Yesterday I climbed a baldcypress that is under transmission lines so it's in an ongoing court battle.
The tree's response to last year's pruning puts the lie to the myth that reduction cuts to buds and small laterals aka "footing cuts" will trigger wild sprouting and rampant decay.
Last June I told their lawyers the pruning would provide 5 years' clearance and so far that looks about right. They may still try to make a case for removal but this evidence will not favor their cause.
In the last pic, it's the L-shaped tree on the right.
The tree's response to last year's pruning puts the lie to the myth that reduction cuts to buds and small laterals aka "footing cuts" will trigger wild sprouting and rampant decay.
Last June I told their lawyers the pruning would provide 5 years' clearance and so far that looks about right. They may still try to make a case for removal but this evidence will not favor their cause.
In the last pic, it's the L-shaped tree on the right.