Raising steer for meat?


Jan 15, 2011
Delavan, WI
Who has done it? How much land do you need per head? Rough annual cost? Feed volume? Vet bills?
My wife and I are toying around with the idea of raising one or two and having them processed for the freezer and sale. I have about four acres to play with.
Thanks for any input.
I've heard the slaughter and the butchering are far out.

I'm getting a yearling from my neighbor. Visible grazing from my kitchen window.

All has fed.

He definitely has to feed hay.
Things are different place to place.

Trying to sell at a profit might be hard pressed.

My neighbor Charlie indicates to me that he only does it out of interest (this immediate area was the family dairy farm in his youth) and for personal meat. His outlay (outside of time) is enough to keep his family in grass-fed, humanely raised, organic beef. He frequently takes a year-old cow to the livestock market to mostly cover his costs.

Our grass grows around 8 months a year, I'd guess.

When the bull is in the field, he has to feed a bunch of hay.

Around here, the Butcher tapes with NOT FOR SALE tape. Would be good barter, as its hard to find such good beef.

Seems like an economy of scale situation.

Any questions I can ask him for you?
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  • #12
I think I would maybe do it as a cooperative thing between a few friends. Mostly just to share cost. I’m not really in it for the money, just the beef and marrow bones, yummy!
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  • #14
I talked with the guy the used to own the land before me and he had six cows on the property but he was feeding grass on top of grazing. He also said it would support two head without extra feed but I would have to kick the horses out. Nice to know in the future.
I cracked up the first time I saw chickens roosting in a tree, it looks so funny