Quitting Smoking

How did it go today V.?

She still has four cartons to smoke, lol.


I hope you have your mind right, girl. :drink:
I've saved a ton of money from smokers who "quit." They give me all their cigarettes when they made the "big decision." Then two days later they light up again, and I sell them them back their cigs for market price. Ha!
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Florida is raising the taxes on cigarettes $10 per carton/ $1 per pack starting tomorrow. I feel sorry for the poor folks who still smoke. They can't outlaw smoking but they are taxing it out of existence.

Brian, that is why I am quitting. Money motivates me!

Che, no, John has never smoked. He has put up with it all these years. When we moved into this last home, he did ask that I smoke outside, and I do.
The Money seems like a good motavator but what about your health.
When i was dipping i could feel the nicotein pouring into my veins.
Ohhh yek..
If you want to quit, you will. It is all about wanting to quit. If you don't want to quit, you won't.


remember, it is the steady drop that wears the stone.