Dave Shepard
Square peg, round world.
It smells like someone is burning a skunk in a plastic burn barrel.
Physically too close for comfort.Maybe you need a large fan to blow in their direction. lol
How to make a box fan filter to clean indoor air of smoke | Interdisciplinary Center for Exposures, Diseases, Genomics and Environment - https://deohs.washington.edu/edge/blog/how-make-box-fan-filter-clean-indoor-air-smoke.
How close are you to your neighbors?
It's California, so yes.Without rereading the whole thread, is weed legal there
Any chance you could buy that place and control who you rent to?We have if only thru the landlord. They know.
I’d rather just move to the country. Thing is, that’s expensive ($800k), and it’s all ag, my wife isn’t down with the ‘cides they spray.Any chance you could buy that place and control who you rent to?