Yes, that is the large Pinto, and according to Luke at TreeStuff, that is the spacer for both pulleys. I tried the Petzl Ultragere pulley, which fit perfectly (amazing coincidence), but then the retrieval ball wouldn't fit thru.
Jesse, thank you for the offer on splicing. Look forward to meeting you this week. Hopefully I will have this thing more dialed in before we splice in the final version. For example, I tried cutting the tubing shorter and now it tends to fold more instead of keeping the eye round. I should have bought more tubing when I was at the supply house, so now I have to make another trip.
Splicing will make a cleaner, more "elegant" product for sure, but it appears the big problem is the ends of the tubing catching on stuff. The knot itself, or the tail, is not as much an issue, altho in a tight crotch the whole thing gets jammed.