Profit sharing

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My guys are in the friend zone, not hugely but they're good value and we occasionally hit the pub for a session. As they're technically contractors its not like they can just slack off and still get work.
Sometimes yea, sometimes nay. I've seen some guys that seem to slack up on the work side when you become their buddy instead of just being their employer. I'm not saying that you shouldn't treat them well or be their friend, just an observation.

That is true.
But, with the right attitude, you can be a nice guy, and still leave no doubt who is the alpha male.

Kind of how I train my dogs:D
Carrots are actually my least favoured vegetable, Jim.
Does that help my case.
I didn't necessarily agree with the article, and not all industries are the same. Certainly a very small business like mine I cannot get away with being a jerk all day as they just walk.

Thought it made some good points though, I've subbed for a few bigger companies where the boss is very much not your friend.

They had the respect of the staff though, you knew where you stood and all that.
Working for my buddy for 2 years. ....I got about 300 cash every Christmas.

Working in the Presidio, starting out there were bonuses every quarter and raises and COLA every year.....then after they ended congressional subsidies and went "Federal Corporation" everything stopped the last 5 nothing. A Christmas party I suppose.
No wonder you were out of there then. Going backwards sucks. My last logging job I went to my bosses for a raise and they said were going to ask me to take a pay cut. They had had a 'tough' year. After five years, and already having travel time steadily clawed back. I gave notice then and there. Adios. They weren't lying though, I don't think that company lasted two more years.
My first job in this industry ((20 years ago) I was working for 50 quid a day (self employed) driving an old truck into central London with a alcoholic 55 year old climber, who had always lost his licence for DUI. No chipper, just loading it all and unloading by hand at the end of the day. I didn't like him, didn't believe in top handle saws, chippers, tippers or anything he didn't have actually.
He enjoyed belittling me, comparing me to his successful son who I had gone to school with apparently.
After a year I had learnt as much as I was going to and was doing a fair bit of the climbing. I asked the boss for a raise, he launched into long moan about taxes, insurances, tight margins etc. all bollocks of course.
Next Friday (payday) I told him I was going on my own and I wasn't coming back on Monday.

Felt good to occasionally bump into him with my own gear and work etc.
Because it was Jim, I occupied a similar niche in the market afterwards so I have an idea of the money to be made sending a gang out in central London every day.

He never bought any new gear, vans all paid for years ago, would have bought second hand diesel if he could.
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I have three guys that I would like to give more responsabilities to: doing estimates and consultations, being ahead on mechanical issues, putting together and maintaining a safety and training program. This would allow me to concentrate on doing some business development, hiring new people, purchasing new gear, having SOME time off.

I get a monthly report from my accountant with a breakdown of all my expenses and my profits. I was thinking of using this to dish out bonuses. Give them a raise on their hourly and then a 2-3% bonus per month on whatever profit comes out of the company. So if the company makes 20k of profit for the month, they would each get 400-600$ extra.

If your boss showed you this, would you be down? I know these guys like challenges, so I think they could be up for it.
I have three guys that I would like to give more responsabilities to: doing estimates and consultations, being ahead on mechanical issues, putting together and maintaining a safety and training program. This would allow me to concentrate on doing some business development, hiring new people, purchasing new gear, having SOME time off.

I get a monthly report from my accountant with a breakdown of all my expenses and my profits. I was thinking of using this to dish out bonuses. Give them a raise on their hourly and then a 2-3% bonus per month on whatever profit comes out of the company. So if the company makes 20k of profit for the month, they would each get 400-600$ extra.

If your boss showed you this, would you be down? I know these guys like challenges, so I think they could be up for it.
Sounds like the best idea put forth so far. Simple and fair.
No problem Mick.

It's just that I hear that all the time. That sumbitch must be raking it in, he should be me a raise!

My hired man has more cash in his pocket at the end of the month than I do. I hope he understands that.

I know exactly what you mean Jim, that winds me up a bit as well.

I was always going to leave anyway, but wanted to see what he'd say. He didn't disappoint.
I have three guys that I would like to give more responsabilities to: doing estimates and consultations, being ahead on mechanical issues, putting together and maintaining a safety and training program. This would allow me to concentrate on doing some business development, hiring new people, purchasing new gear, having SOME time off.

I get a monthly report from my accountant with a breakdown of all my expenses and my profits. I was thinking of using this to dish out bonuses. Give them a raise on their hourly and then a 2-3% bonus per month on whatever profit comes out of the company. So if the company makes 20k of profit for the month, they would each get 400-600$ extra.

If your boss showed you this, would you be down? I know these guys like challenges, so I think they could be up for it.

This sounds good but I'd leave out the numbers I think. I mean I can see someone being sore possibly if you show them books of 20k profit for a month and be's your four hundy. I mean they should just be happy to get extra, but if you're asking extra and then compensating for it with a bonus system based on your profit? I would decide another way of determining the bonus , without showing them your profit.