Pet Peeve: "Guide wire and medium"


Dec 31, 2006
Western New York near Lake Ontario
I saw "guide wire" in the "In the News" article Jason Garin posted about the young girl hitting the guy wire. Medium or meridian is used by the news media for median.

It is like the sloping back cut. Don't these people ever get corrected? Proof reading? Next time I hear either one on a local newscast I am sending an e-mail.

My other gripe, but not nearly as offensive to me, is "blow torch." It's a cutting torch, you morons.
A blow torch and a cutting torch are different animals. A blow torch is like a rosebud, diffuse heat, cutting torch is focused heat.

In the spirit of the thread, "New and Improved!"
"That is Literally the most amazing thing ever." Talent show judges and pretty much every one on telly

"You literally changed into another person on stage" Really? I'd pay to see that.

Rant over....
I never thought about that Carl, good one. I had a friend that I worked with that used "medium" for median. I especially liked it when he would look for a good "advantage point" while we were fighting desert fires. Its funny to me all the absolutes that get modified. Someone at AS asked what's the deadest tree you ever climbed. Um, it was dead.
:lol: It's pretty easy to screw up even if you know better . Spell check really doesn't care about the word usage as long as it's spelled correctly .
The H1N1 threat is 'endemic' in our region... national news and NPR use it all the damn time.

We're about to be 'impacted' by the financial crisis... although that one's kind of accurate in an inaccurate kind of way.
It could be an electric chainsaw... :P

chainsaw 'blade'... That don't make no 'since'.
oooooohhh, the chainsaw 'blade' ranks right up there at the top of the list!
Watch it Chip, you got me fired up just mentioning it.
I have a buddy working for Erickson aircrane, bigwig mechanic, and he calls it a blade too, last night even:lol:
We could start a chain brake thread.... And see how Brian gets pissed about chain breaks being slammed before the saw spools down.. :lol:
Then after they brake the chain break and oiler..... :lol:
It's a "winch," not a "wench." One of my ground guys pronounces it "wrench," but he's from Hawaii so I give him a pass - and plus I've tried to correct him 10+ times, not getting anywhere.

We had a Department of Labor guy come and give us some chainsaw tips a couple days ago, and he was all, "blade" this and "blade" that. I'm supposed to be learning something from this guy?

Thanks for the "New and Improved," that's a good one I hadn't thought of either.

Check this out:

There is a great list of annoying misused axioms/idioms/otherwise if you "Return to List of Errors"


