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Not that I know. I had a blood sugar test when I was a kid, hours and hours of drinking sugar water and finger pokes. My blood sugar never got over 85.

Tested it the other day and it was 80, hour and a half after a carb heavy dinner. I just seem to run a low blood sugar all the time.

I have never tested it when I wake up in the morning, might be interesting to see what my fasting blood sugar might be.

Thats not diabetes is it? Low blood sugar all the time?

Jim, you sound like you could use more information. Does your doctor give you much support with the weight-loss goal you've talked about? Have you had your thyroid,etc, etc, etc, checked?

Carb-heavy meals contribute to decreased energy, IME, and increased insulin production. Insulin is bad for people. Keeping insulin levels in check is a key premise of the Zone diet.

How good of a sleeper are you, Jim?
No, I have never had any blood work done. Never had any reason to, except for now maybe wanting to find out something.

By carb heavy I guess it would be a serving of baked potato, or bread in a sandwich. We do eat pasta sometimes. Dont eat chips or stuff like that very often.

By sheer luck, I would guess we are right on track with the new diet guidelines, except maybe a little protein heavy. Just always been how we ate, as kids and now. Lots of fruit and veggies, carbs, and protein.

What would constitute carb heavy? I guess a plate of pasta, but would a single baked potato count?

A typical day would be an egg, a slice of bread with no butter or jam, and a couple slices of bacon, maybe a banana.

Lunch would be a sandwich, beans or cottage cheese, and a pickle with some cashews or almonds. Eat fruit through out the day for snacks, but we have a hard time getting good fruit up here

Supper would be meat, two veggies, and a potato of some sort. Pretty boring for some I guess. I dont drink much pop, dont eat candy, but dont get as much milk as I would like.

I think I have a pretty balanced diet. We eat out maybe three or four times a month. Eat almost all our meals as a family. We never give the school any Box Tops, dont often buy packaged foods. Too much salt for me to feel comfortable feeding my kids that stuff.

I sleep like shit, but I have since I was married. Never got used to sleeping with other people making a bunch of noise, plus I think stress keeps me awake.
Stress-levels and sleep are critical.

Emergency responding has to have affected both.

Do you know about the concept of Glycemic Index?

I suspect that a food log and analysis would tell you a lot. I did one for college Intro to Nutrition class.

There should be some websites that help you. Look for public service types, over commercial stuff.

The Zone Diet claims the American Diabetes Society, or whatever its called, has a shit-diet for diabetics. Some not super-duper, large scale study showed Zone style dieting can decrease insulin dependence, IIRC. Again, its somewhat centered around insulin control.

Cut out all the pop. That shit is terrible for you. Change the potato to more meat and veg. Treat fructose (fruit) as a desert.

oh, and I'm not a nutritionist, by a long shot. Get professional consultation.
We have been tracking every bleeding thing that goes into our mouths, as part of the weight loss plan. Pain in the ass, but you learn a lot.

Yeah, I wonder about the insulin thing. I read that non-diabetic hypoglycemia can be caused by lots of different things. Doctors said I just have low blood sugar.
Jim, it sounds a fairly balanced diet from this side of the pond. I am no expert though.

I tend to eat a lot of chilli, whether it is sauce or fresh. I think that comes from my time in Thailand. I just got used to it and carried on eating it.

Chilli speeds up metabolic rate. Chilli on eggs is pretty much a daily thing for me. I know some fighters (Thai and MMA) who have a good slug of chilli sauce straight from the bottle first thing in the morning. In fact I do it quite often myself when ever I get a new bottle.

You say you are tracking your intake for weight loss, how long have you been doing it and what results have you had?

I would cut out soft drinks altogether, I did a couple of years ago after pigging out on shite food with the kids one christmas. Once you get used to not eating or drinking sweet stuff, you get a taste for bitter stuff IME. I am back onto black coffee for example.
Black coffee every morning for me, no sugar please. Wife is the same way.

I eat a lot of chilli too, peppers, hot sauce, salsa on potatoes, hot stuff on everything. Wife is very anti spice, Kiwi you know, mayo is spicy to them. Kids dont like spice either.

Three years ago we started losing weight after the birth of Richard Boy. I lost 50 pounds.

Then farming went to hell, and I leased my folk's place too, stress went up and I gained it all back! The more I have to manage, the more I tend to weigh!

We are back on track again, after an argument about living long enough to see my grandkids someday. The wife was not sure about making changes, but I was adamant.

I have lost 25 pounds since mid January, have a long way to go. I would like to see 275 someday.

I dont have a sweet tooth, cutting out pop was easy. I drink a lot of ice tea, no sugar again.

Its tough on my wife, she craves sugar.

I can buy the kids a treat and not have one too, my wife cant.

It has got to be a family effort to eat well, so I dont buy treats to bring home.
I packed up fizzy drinks and the like after I realised I could drink a couple of pints a night without realising it. I only drink water, fizzy water, black coffee or black tea. Haven't drunk alcohol for about 18 months. Don't miss any of it.
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Lots of good posts here.

Jim, sounds to me like you eat pretty healthy. Im surprised you weigh a lot . But what do I know, that's why this thread.

Mik, I don't eat much meat, eat a fair amount of green stuff, and move around too much. But, as Dave pointed out, a lot of it is processed- sugar free grain and oats cereal, whole grain bread, PB (how the heck can pb be bad for you ??(not lead pb, lol)), whole wheat pasta. I could always use more energy but I hear somewhat miraculous claims re low carbs, like battling osteo (wear and tear) arthritis.
Someone's making money on this quackery, you can count on it.
We knew in the 70s about too much meat, more greens, easy on the sugar, what's changed?
This whole water drinking stuff makes me laugh, drink something when you're thirsty, my dog knows how to do that.
It's all an invention by marketing companies to make us buy their bottled h2o.
In other news Elvis is alive and cutting trees down in Antarctica.

Night all.
I've been doing low carb for a few years. For about a year I was really disciplined, little to no sugar at all and very few carbs. Dropped down to 145lbs from close to 180lbs. The last year or so I've been less disciplined and I hover around 155lbs which is a good weight for me not too small but light enough for surfing and climbing efficiently. I doubt I am in ketosis now as I eat some carbs and sugars, not a ton but enough where I'm burning it for fuel.

For those who haven't been on it, the health and vitality benefits are huge. It also feels like your body isn't sluggish but burning fuel lean and mean. Highly recommend.

Shit yeah Butch! Thats the plan.

Lots of folks are surprised too Cory. Some bad eating habits I suppose. My former brother in law was about my size, but carried less than half the muscle. You had no trouble seeing why he was heavy. Jaysus that guy would eat. Had breakfast with him and my sister at an IHOP once. Unbelievable. I aspire to have the metabolism of a three toed sloth someday. Right now I have the metabolism of a frog buried in the mud in a state of suspended animation.
I don't really think all that much about what I eat.

I don't eat anything I don't like, hence no meat and stuff.

I moderate my intake to my need so I don't get fat.

I don't eat pre-processed stuff at all.
If I want spaghetti sauce, I'll make it from scratch, not open a can of factory made stuff, filled with E-numbers.

I don't eat fast food, which is simple, since it all has meat in it.
Someone's making money on this quackery, you can count on it.
We knew in the 70s about too much meat, more greens, easy on the sugar, what's changed?
This whole water drinking stuff makes me laugh, drink something when you're thirsty, my dog knows how to do that.
It's all an invention by marketing companies to make us buy their bottled h2o.
In other news Elvis is alive and cutting trees down in Antarctica.

Night all.

People are making billions out of it that's for sure, that's why they keep coming up with a "new" super food every year or so like Teff that's the latest one here.

My grandmother knew that 70 years earlier and passed it on, no over weight people in our family. Lean meat, fish, fresh fruit & vegs, no sugar, wholemeal bread and exercise.

We have some of the best tap water in the world and people buy bottled water and cart it home. Most of it is owned by Coca Cola, and it's been proven plenty of times there's more bugs in it than local tap water.

And he's not in Antarctcia, he's here in Parkes and looks a lot better without the drugs and fried white bread sandwiches.

QUOTE=cory;773917]..... PB (how the heck can pb be bad for you ??......[/QUOTE]

This is a good example of a simple food that may carry health risks you are not told about. Have you ever wondered about how many more people are allergic to peanuts? As a soft shelled legume, peanuts oily meat is exposed to and readily absorbs chemicals. Modern peanut growers typically do a three year rotation with corn and cotton that use copious amounts of some very bad things. One of which is Atrazine.

Keep in mind that is just one chemical and doesn't have anything to do with what else has gone into that jar of peanut butter.
I should have said, fried white bread & peanut butter sandwiches.

I don't eat peanut butter much and when I do it's this one, good company and good products but even some of there Peanut Butter is only 90% peanuts, mine is 100% peanuts, supposedly.
This is from their web site, Steve. " We source our peanuts from suitable growers around the world" 