optimal climbing weight

So full contact sparring is not a cardio workout.
News to me!
A few years ago I was climbing pretty hard every day and got down to 150, which is pretty skinny for me at 5'10. I'm now around 175 but I think optimum would be 160-165. I need to start running again, that was the new years resolution.

Haha!! It has been a long time since I could do a one-armed pull up. It was nice having that kind of strength but it sure is not needed to be a productive and efficient tree climber.

About 30 years ago I was at my buddies Dad's house where his Dad had a big 1 1/2" box end wrench hanging on 2 hooks in his kitchens doorway. The Dad was in his 70s and showed us his 1 rep 1 arm pullup. My turn came and I couldn't do it even though I can easily do 2 arm ones.
That bugged me for a long time but practiced till I could manage one. I found I had to re-educate my body to accept it, just like doing one legged squats.......very good isolation exercise.
So full contact sparring is not a cardio workout.
News to me!

Hahaha...I thought the same...but it is sometimes anaerobic.:lol:

I'm guessing he meant for his 6 year old twins.
I was only kidding Stig. :)My twins get a good workout. Here's a pic of their qualification class for the orange and yellow belts. Our head 7 th Dan Sensei leading the class is 72yrs old . But as you see some of the other black belts are not in such good shape.
Last pic one of my 6 yr old twins yellow belt certificate.


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Willard, I feel the same way about fat blackbelts as I do everytime I see some of the tubs of lard that passes for cops in the US.

Or two fatboys celebrating their manliness by shaking hands in front of a couple of dead alligators.

Congrats Willard ... Your kids have a great role model!!!
Thanks Gary, when I watch my kids practice I see good discipline forming in them . I was so inspired I wanted to join too, but the girls said "not a good idea Dad, not cool".:lol:

When I was about 12 years old I bought a Karate handbook and I studied and practiced the moves for a long time, I had a good understanding but just didn't have the opportunity to practice in a proper class.
I know this thread is kind of old but it's funny looking as some of the posts. I'm huge compared to some of you guys! 6'3" 6'4"ish and sitting at 230 right now. I've gotten in really good shape in the last six months climbing so much and packing brush. I'm a one man crew, sometimes my fiancé will help but she's 5'1" 103 pounds. So I've leaned way down but my upper body keeps inflating even though I now lift only two or three days a week instead if six. This field is my absolute passion and has been ever since I started cutting firewood as kid, but it's demanding and wish I could get down a little bit farther to take it easier on my knees.