First question...why the 260? You cannot imagine how much metal was in those stupid structures. The number of spikes defies belief, especially if one were to contemplate actually buying I postulate theft from somewhere. Anyway, I packed in the 200T, and almost immediately trashed the chain in a rookie move. The crew had a pair of 260's for lop and scatter, so I borrowed one to finish that structure. I'll post some more pics this morning...shows my second using the re-sharpened 200T.
The range of penalties is broad, Jay. There were actually 7 people cited in an adjacent camp, not so elaborate in-tree structures, but the same style. The possible citations could include exceeding the 14 day dispersed camping site limit, felling live trees, felling snags, damage to live trees, improper sanitation management, theft of gov't property (signs), and construction of non-permited permanent structures. If the LEO's wanted to do so, there would also have been a very real possibility (maybe even certitude) that closer inspection of the camp would have turned up drugs and/or underage alchohol possesion. Those 7 cited were given what could be seen as a light set of fines, against the possible infractions. I heard $250 each, for the illegal camping and tree damage...the easy to prove citations.