Old guy, old pack!, new hip!!


Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
I'm pleased to report that after a couple of false starts, none of which can be blamed on my physical condition, we finally got to take the first backpack trip for my now 1 year old artificial hip, post replacement surgery.

We chose a fairly easy hike for the virgin attempt with a backpack...just 4.5 miles in, about 1800 feet of elevation gain. North side of Mt. Hood, one of our favorite places, but popular with many others. We have found that a little extra effort to climb off-trail another .5 mile or so crosscountry above the main trail and campsites puts us away from 90% of the rest of the wilderness enthusiasts. Such was the case this trip.

I'm happy to report that my new hip (and the old one, as well) managed quite nicely. A few odd aches now and then, but after all, it's been a couple of decades since backpacking was a zero affect on my body event :). I have absolutely no complaints, and look forward to a couple more trips this season. It was pretty damned exciting to get out there again, in point of fact.

Here's some pictures, probably waaay more than y'all need :D...


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I can't help myself...some more :D.
Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 072.jpg Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 082.jpg Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 087.jpg Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 092.jpg Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 097.jpg
Last ones...I'll admit to a bit of giddiness even yet...to be able to get back to doing something you love more than almost anything is intoxicating.
Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 102.jpg Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 109.jpg Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 110.jpg Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 117.jpg Cairn Basin Aug. 2013 119.jpg

I appreciate y'alls patience, my friends :D.
Beautiful pictures, B. Happy to hear you are doing well. We are leaving tomorrow for Mt Lassen. We plan on meeting CimbinFool Greg up there and the 3 of us are hiking to the top. You and Melanie want to go???
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Thank you, Stephen. Your encouragment and enthusiastic support all through my hip woes, surgery, and recovery have meant the world to me.

I see with distress the news of the large fire activity in your neck of the Yosemite country. What's the situation with you?
Mr Chamberlain, I would like to set a weekend to come down to the Hood and hike a weekend camp out with you and your troup next summer, what do you say?
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I truly wish we could, Terri...that would be magnificent. Unfortunately I have some commitments re taking care of some recent medical issues with my mother. But still, very tempting. We should plan something of that nature for the future?
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That would be great fun, Paul. Bub is big enough, I suppose? Time flies...how old is he? Drop me a pm or email sometime and we can visit about it. Email addy is in my profile, I think.
Yes!!! We love Lassen and try to go there every fall. The great thing is there are hardly any people there. So lets keep that in mind for next fall.
Bub is 5 3/4 almost, headed to kindergarten in a couple weeks.


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Yes!!! We love Lassen and try to go there every fall. The great thing is there are hardly any people there. So lets keep that in mind for next fall.

Perfect. We've talked about heading to that country for years, all the more after we retired. I'll put it to Melanie and see if we can make a plan. I think I recall y'all aren't much for camping...if that's so, what sort of lodgings do you arrange in that area?
I see with distress the news of the large fire activity in your neck of the Yosemite country. What's the situation with you?

Its not heading this way thus far. Not really all that far away as the crow flies, right on the edge of the last one that came close. Not too concerned but sad to see our lovely woods on fire again.
A natural cycle, too bad there is the high fuel load though. Going to be a lot of moon scape for a while near the Hetch Hetchy. Hope they can stop it before it gets too much closer to Yosemite Valley.
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I hope so, too.

The pics I posted from the Mt. Hood Wilderness are in an area the just barely stayed out of a big fire in 2010, Dollar Lake Fire. Beautiful-beyond-belief Cairn Basin lost about half it's trees...that's barely over 1/4 mile from our recent camp.
B I hope you count your blessings to be such a lucky man. Many many things have aligned to give you a wonderful retirement. Good for you buddy:)
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He's doing mighty well, hizself...10 years old this past spring, still rolling along in fine fettle. We keep his panniers' weight down some now, he sometimes gets sore in the hips if it gets much over 15 pounds (sound familiar :)?). That's enough capacity to manage 5-6 days chow, folding food and water dishes, and a liter and a half of water for dry trail sections. Less days out (equals less chow), like this trip, he carries a few other items; a small fleece blanket and a small tarp...otherwise we add those to our load, now that he has acquired "old age" :D.
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  • #21
Thanks, Paul. You are more right than you could possibly know, and I know that you know quite a bit about blessings.

Confused yet ? :D.

Again, Thanks very much, my friend.
Burnham...wonderful to see you out there adventuring again. Your pictures reflect the joy of rediscovery of the beauty in our world.
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  • #23
Thanks, Gary. You make getting older look pretty easy, though I know you work at it vigorously. Congrats on that.
It appears that retirement seems to be suiting you Burnham. Nice to see you both getting out into the mountains & some great pics D)