If you’re going to remodel the bathroom, then there’s no sense in putting new seats and stems in it just to throw it all away a little later. A local hardware store around you will be very helpful and will have parts indigenous to the area generally. I’m assuming the thing is either dripping or running and that’s why you’re rebuilding it. if you look up a seat dressing tool, you can probably pick that up pretty cheap online. I don’t have one to show you as I switched trucks and it’s sitting in the shop. Really, to get you by all you would have to do is re-face that seat instead of removing it. Sometimes removing it can cause complications. So, re-faced the seat and pull the little flathead screw out, that holds the washer on the back of the stem, match that bib washer and put the new one on with a new screw, preferably. Lordy, I feel like I could write hundreds of paragraphs on the subject, including everything that could go wrong, but it would probably be a little help. One thing I usually try to do when performing a faucet repair of that nature is put to good quarter turn ball valves in behind the faucet. It’s nice to be able to isolate it. Feel free to DM me with any questions or if you get in a pickle, we could even do FaceTime.