Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

  • Thread starter Rborist1
  • Start date
  • Replies 2K
  • Views 113K
HONEY - I'm home

OH wait

GUYS I'm leaving - ok a little backwards - did a quick run to florida - TO hot and turned about and heading home.
GETTING cold here in GA - Wanted to feel that 84 degrees at midnight.

Just dropping off the grand in Sarasota.
Ok boys 'n' girls, I am outta here. Catching the red eye to London tonight and coming back on the's my dad's 80th this weekend, so a big party for sure. Don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm away kids. I'll try and drop in while I'm 'over there'.
I think Great Britain has it's charms, but it much varies from place to place. Pretty women made a favorable impression. 8)
I'm going camping with our men's retreat, probably leave this afternoon. I have to come back on Friday for my nephew's concert at the county fair and then will probably go back up on Saturday morning.
looks like I will be in Portland Oregon next week, wednesday afternoon to sunday afternoon, working at a trade show called Farwest, the provincial landscape association booth. The executive director was going to work it but he is now on 'hiatus' and they put out the call for a volunteer this morning. Air, hotel and meals covered plus a stipend for my time, meh, I had little on the books anyways. Anyone in town? Come say hello or PM me for my cell # if you want to buy me a beer. :D
sorry Boss, the show is in portland, not much I can do about changing the venue. :) its about a 5 hour drive from here, or the hour and 15 minute plane ride.
Outta here until late Sunday...headed to Ohio for annual training camp. I'll check youse guys and gals next week.