Official I Am Outta Here Thread!

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 2K
  • Views 113K
thanks eh. leaving friday morning. emailed the hosts and there is wifi in the main cabin. :D it wont reach where I am staying but its a fairly short walk with the laptop to get there. wont be around much but I might just check in.

I've thought about buying one of those little thingys that plugs into the laptop's USB port so you can get internet access anywhere. I saw one from Verizon for about $39.00 a month, but I haven't really checked it out thoroughly. Does anyone else here use one of those and is it worth it?
Heading out for a couple days myself, off to the big town again to check on my exhibition of furniture. Hard day in the woods today, likely crash out on the bus. I'm expected to give a little lecture on my woodwork. Not so much looking forward to it, but got to take care of bizz, and the lady running the gallery does try hard to sell the goods.

Take care y'all.

I've thought about buying one of those little thingys that plugs into the laptop's USB port so you can get internet access anywhere. I saw one from Verizon for about $39.00 a month, but I haven't really checked it out thoroughly. Does anyone else here use one of those and is it worth it?

Have fun Paul and FJR! We wanted to go over to Nassau this weekend, but the weather might not be good with Erica sitting out there.

Brett, my daughter used one the entire time she lived here and it worked great. $39.00 a month is a good price, I think she was paying $ 69.00 through Nextel.
Best wishes to you, Jay. You've got to do the schmooze thing to keep the clientelle happy. ;)

Thanks, Gigi. I think I'll end up getting it. We travel a lot and its sometimes difficult to "find" a wireless connection.
I've thought about buying one of those little thingys that plugs into the laptop's USB port so you can get internet access anywhere. I saw one from Verizon for about $39.00 a month, but I haven't really checked it out thoroughly. Does anyone else here use one of those and is it worth it?

Why? Just get the right card in your computer and use 'hot spots'. No monthly fees ever.
The other catch is that you need to be in a place that the card works in, it performs like a cellular phone, if there isnt cell service, there isnt internet. For where I will be, it wouldnt help. But, I am told the main cabin has wireless so if I get close enough I should be able to log on, briefly.
Have fun guys!

I've used one Brett, through AT&T it was awsome! I could roll down the road and surf the net! If you just want to do it part time ask them about tethering your phone to your computer. I still do that now and again, and it might be cheaper.
It must be nice to live in an area that has pretty much blanket cell coverage...not so here in the mountains.
I will soon be out of reach today..... Going to Bass Lake for a week.
Got the boat all ready last night... No phone or internet. This will be Lilly's first vacation ... Should be a blast :D
HONEY - I'm home - OPPS - again i forgot to say good bye. Welcome back Paul B.

Skwerl - OPPS miss you again - FLorida was great this time. NOT TO HOT.
Well it's time for yet another 6 month stint in Hong Kong for me. My flight goes out tomorrow morning. I'll be stopping to visit family in Israel for a couple weeks on the way, so I'll be spending way more time than I care for on an airplane. Don't know what my internet access will be like in the Holey Land, but I should be checking back in once I get to HK.

I hope everyone stays safe and happy...