New Tribe Traveling ONYX

Paul...good, detailed review.

I just got this email from New Tribe:

ONYX with Rope Bridge, regular price $449, $380 until September 2
ONYX with Webbing Bridge, regular price $429, $360 until September 2

It is $70 off until Sept. 2.
I'm frustrated. So far, me and two other people can't figure out how to wear the saddle with the smooth side of the legpad against leg. It's like it was assembled reversed or something.

Have you compared it to the saddle that Nick shows in his video? Look at the 4:00 minute section.

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That's weird.... Is there anyway they could flip from the way I packed it? Do the buckles still work and look right? If the pads are upside down would the buckles look incorrect?

And I promise didn't do this on purpose.

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OK so rained out Fri so today was my first day with it, hot as all get out today so we only did a few trims. Initial thoughts as riding up on the Wraptor was WOW I friekin love this thing!! When hanging in the saddle the leg pads are just awesome at distributing the load=super comfy. Obviously I missed my custom saw snap on my right hip but did have a good spot for a biner to hang the saw on and if this were my harness I would sew one on before going to work. I spent about an hour, maybe less over the weekend changing out the bridge and getting it set up. Im sure I could do some more fine tuning but as said it felt awesome anyways. When I started to work the tree I noticed that when lanyarded in it didnt feel great on my boney ass hips , not much padding on that spot, I would suggest more padding but Im sure every climber likes different stuff. It became obvious that you need to wear some kind of sling/suspenders as the saw pulls the belt down in short order, luckily I have been using a New TRibe sling anyways so put it on and solved that issue.

Would love to do a big honking Wreck with this thing to give it a true test drive but in the middle of this heat wave dont know if thats going to happen..........

Bottom line "Good job New Tribe!! excellent saddle!!" Funny thing is I was going to try to come up with a saddle that was a mix between a Sequoia and a NT with the triangle pads, dont need to bother now. Only disapointment is the price, somebody needs to stem the ever increasing prices of these things.

Paul you better strap a sidewinder to that thing before you send it out.
Like your review Paul. Gary thanks for the know on the sale and when it ends. Hope it will see me before it ends as it will be this or the Nikoski!
Butch could it have folded and turned inside out?
Butch could it have folded and turned inside out?

I can't imagine how that could have happened, but even if it did, I can't imagine me (or my two friends) not being able to figure it out.
...Obviously I missed my custom saw snap on my right hip but did have a good spot for a biner to hang the saw on and if this were my harness I would sew one on before going to work...

There is a perfect slot for a carabiner already. You should see it right behind the dee. I held my saw there all the time when I had it.

Nick, as I posted I put a biner in that spot but I still much prefer a sewed on snap as it has a fixed position as opposed to a biner that moves around.

Hey Butch, you realize when you put the harness on you have to put your feet/legs through a loop in the webbing and pad setup right?? If you don't the pads will be inside out.
No shit? Wow. I officially can't figure out how to don this thing. Now, I'm not real smart but for me to not be able to figure that out is a pretty stupid saddle design.

If I "step thru" anything that has to do with the leg pads, then that puts them in front of my thighs.
hahaha...excellent. I was ready to back off and stand clear...pressure builds up with that kind of madness.:wall:

Have fun!!!