I hope you guys do not mind non-professionals here.
I have been struggling with Blight on some smaller pines and feel like I am mostly holding at bay and not eradicating it. Approx 12 ft height 6" dia trunks. I have not always timed the applications the best, but there is more to story.
I have a giant tree on property I believe it is Ponderosa Pine. Over 60 ft tall and huge trunk. This has not had fungicide treatment yet like the smaller ones and I had always been keeping tabs on it but now I feel like I let attention lapse and I am sad I will lose this old established tree. I feel like it got bad quick and I am ashamed I didn't catch it faster. I now have access to a construction lift and a backpack type leaf blower -like sprayer that I think will be excellent to use. I can get up towards top in basket and blow the fungicide.
One of my main questions is our Denver, Colorado weather is sometimes very erratic. I was under impression application in May and then repeat in 6 weeks in June was a good plan. This does not seem to be helping. We sometimes have warm spells much sooner than May.
I don't want this tree to die 😔
I don't care about cost of fungicide. I have the lift and blower at no cost. Would there be any great harm in blasting the tree monthly from say Feb through July/August? I really feel like the May and June follow-up is just not cutting it with ups and downs in weather.
I don't want to lose my tree, can anyone give some advice and a plan?
thank you
I have been struggling with Blight on some smaller pines and feel like I am mostly holding at bay and not eradicating it. Approx 12 ft height 6" dia trunks. I have not always timed the applications the best, but there is more to story.
I have a giant tree on property I believe it is Ponderosa Pine. Over 60 ft tall and huge trunk. This has not had fungicide treatment yet like the smaller ones and I had always been keeping tabs on it but now I feel like I let attention lapse and I am sad I will lose this old established tree. I feel like it got bad quick and I am ashamed I didn't catch it faster. I now have access to a construction lift and a backpack type leaf blower -like sprayer that I think will be excellent to use. I can get up towards top in basket and blow the fungicide.
One of my main questions is our Denver, Colorado weather is sometimes very erratic. I was under impression application in May and then repeat in 6 weeks in June was a good plan. This does not seem to be helping. We sometimes have warm spells much sooner than May.
I don't want this tree to die 😔
I don't care about cost of fungicide. I have the lift and blower at no cost. Would there be any great harm in blasting the tree monthly from say Feb through July/August? I really feel like the May and June follow-up is just not cutting it with ups and downs in weather.
I don't want to lose my tree, can anyone give some advice and a plan?
thank you