Need protein ideas

My dad had a buddy he used to hang with. This is how he would order breakfast at the diner, "Give me a dozen eggs, over easy, a pound of bacon, crispy, and keep making toast til I tell you to stop." He died in his early forties.

Sounds like my dad, started pushing up daisies at 42.
Cool, I need some sort of bad habit to reduce my life expectancy since I quit drinking and smoking.

Actually, your body is so used to that stuff that you will prob. die from lack of it! :D

And hey, all you people talking about 'venison'. I suggested that first, in case you all forgot about my suggestion of road kill! :P
If you talk abour venison it just depends on where it comes from .Ohio deer which are huge for whitetails and have a diet of nice midwestern corn and soybeans are are tasty if prepaired properly .

High mountain Colorado mulies are also large but eat pine needles and sage brush . Taste just like an old goat . I gave some to me dog once and he had to lick his arse to get the taste out of his mouth .
What about a protein shake? They sell the mixes in the gym. You could probably go to the health food store and get it also.
I agree with the buffalo and venison suggestions. Buffalos are grass-fed so you're also getting a much more healthful omega 3 to omega 6 fat ratio. Same with deer, which eat a natural (not corn-fed) diet. Since I discovered the EatWild site a year ago, about the only meat I eat now is from local, pastured animals that have been fed no hormones and antibiotics. The meat not only is much more healthful, but it tastes better too!
I agree with the buffalo and venison suggestions. Buffalos are grass-fed so you're also getting a much more healthful omega 3 to omega 6 fat ratio. Same with deer, which eat a natural (not corn-fed) diet. Since I discovered the EatWild site a year ago, about the only meat I eat now is from local, pastured animals that have been fed no hormones and antibiotics. The meat not only is much more healthful, but it tastes better too!

I noticed the top two farms are right in my town, too! :D
Bunch of nice farms in Hardwick, which is the next town west.
My favorites.
Moose (been several years0
Any fish

Oh and bacon, but that's kind of like air, a man has to have it.
Most people in this country have never had good fresh tofu, prepared properly. It can be pretty darn good.
I like tofu, deep fried with sauce. :)
Yeah, people actually do, Al. Even people you sorta know. :)

Love this bumper sticker that rides around my little PNW town:

"I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to eat tofu"

Or this one I've heard:

"Vegetables is what food eats"
Those are pretty funny Burnham.

Dave, as many have touched on wild game in the deer family are lean meats.
But lean meats are also available in all animal forms. The simple truth is, if you cut off the fat most are lean. Beef can be about the only exception to that one. Some beef has been breed for marbled fat. But flank steak has very little fat from any breed.

Fish is a very good low fat source also. And what fat it does have is good for you.

Eggs are also a great source. But I have seen so many different reports on the yolk subject, that you will need to decide how many you want to eat.

Many forms of soy protein. (tofu is one of them) But watch soy, some folks can't tolerate it very well.

If you can find a local health food store you may find some options.
I've been doing a little bit internet researching on eggs and cholesterol and there really doesn't seem to be a consensus. However, most current medical sources seem to agree that an egg or two a day is not going to be harmful, as long as other sources of cholesterol are extremely limited. I eat a mostly vegetarian diet so I should be ok on that front, and will continue to do my one or two eggs a day because that's my main source of protein. Here's a synopsis of an interesting study that was done on eggs, cholesterol levels and weight loss:
I noticed the top two farms are right in my town, too! :D
Bunch of nice farms in Hardwick, which is the next town west.

There is a place on route 9 in Hadley that raises and sells Bison meat.

Ostrich is supposed to be lean.
And as for tofu, there are some studies that suggest too much of it can act as a carcinogen. But then I have trouble trusting any of these studies. They seem to consisently contradict each other. I guess you have to know who paid for the study.