Need protein ideas

Dave Shepard

Square peg, round world.
Oct 28, 2007
Alford, MA
I need some ideas for low carb, and low fat protein. Only thing out of the water I eat is tuna salad, and I've given up on chicken altogether. Finding lean protein isn't easy. Wondering how the vegetarians do it. Nutritionist keeps talking about fish and chicken. I'll die first. Any ideas appreciated.
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Aren't they full of carbs? I'll have to look them up. I need to stay away from starchy foods as well.
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The last time I tried a low carb diet, fat and salt weren't a consieration, they are now. To be perfectly honest, if meat isn't ground up into a burger or sausage, I'd don't care for it. I'd almost be a veggie, but the protein issue keeps surfacing. I'm not entirely happy with my nutritionist, she doesn't seem to want to talk about the questions I have.:what:

Not much roadkill around here, but thanks for the idea.:)

I've drastically reduced any unnecessary sugars and bread. The sugar is really messing with me lately.
I was amazed at how much sugar and salt are in our foods already
Dave, what are your goals? You are not going to get a finer, digestible, low fat protein with good amino acid balance than deer meat.

Game meat is rarely taken into consideration when considering the benefits or dangers of meat protein. Do a little research. Lean deer burger is one of my favorite foods.

I was gonna say, venison. Super lean, ultra high protein.

I guess I'm doomed cuz I go through at least six eggs a week, usually more. My cholesterol was low last time it was checked though.

I get my protein and fat in the AM with breakfast and my carbs with dinner. I eat lots of rice.
LMAO Dave! Just made venison stew yesterday. Great stuff... until Valerie learned it wasn't beef.
LMAO Dave! Just made venison stew yesterday. Great stuff... until Valerie learned it wasn't beef.

Venison sausage (a little beef fat added) makes the best damn spaghetti and meatballs you've ever tasted.

I can't live without bacon. I have a little restaurant (French no less) that whips me up two eggs over medium, toast and ten... that's right, ten slices of bacon with OJ for $5. I eat there almost every weekday.
My dad had a buddy he used to hang with. This is how he would order breakfast at the diner, "Give me a dozen eggs, over easy, a pound of bacon, crispy, and keep making toast til I tell you to stop." He died in his early forties.
Imagine how many chickens were crying and pigs frying at the GTG.

But... that's definitely a slow suicide, Brett.
Imagine how many chickens were crying and pigs frying at the GTG.

But... that's definitely a slow suicide, Brett.
If you are not happy with your nutritionist seek out another. A vegetarian diet can be very healthy. But it takes a lot of work to make sure you get all the proper amino acids. Some are hard to get if you do not eat any fish or meat.
Whey protein isolate is a good source of protein but you still would need some supplements.