My Omlette's Too Big!!!

Here are a few salient excerpts from that waaaay too long article:

...the meatpacking industry blocked the use of microbial testing in the federal meat inspection program

...E. coli 0157:H7 outbreaks have also been caused by contaminated bean sprouts, salad greens, cantaloupe, salami, raw milk, and unpasteurized apple cider

...Reagan and Bush administrations cut spending on public health measures and staffed the U.S. Department of Agriculture with officials far more interested in government deregulation than in food safety

...Some herds of American cattle may have been infected with E. coli 0157:H7 decades ago. But the recent changes in how cattle are raised, slaughtered, and processed have created an ideal means for the pathogen to spread. The problem begins in today's vast feedlots. A government health official, who prefers not to be named, compared the sanitary conditions in a modern feedlot to those in a crowded European city during the Middle Ages, when people dumped their chamber pots out the window, raw sewage ran in the streets, and epidemics raged.

...The cattle now packed into feedlots get little exercise and live amid pools of manure. "You shouldn't eat dirty food and dirty water," the official told me. "But we still think we can give animals dirty food and dirty water

...The waste products from poultry plants, including the sawdust and old newspapers used as litter, are also being fed to cattle. A study published a few years ago in Preventive Medicine notes that in Arkansas alone, about 3 million pounds of chicken manure were fed to cattle in 1994

...The pathogens from infected cattle are spread not only in feedlots, but also at slaughterhouses and hamburger grinders

O.K. I'm done. Don't want to beat a dead...cow :)
I gave blood on Sunday and they do a free cholestoral test. I can't believe its 254!!! I've been trying to limit fat, caffiene, sugar, etc. but it just keeps getting higher. I've got two big fat steaks on the grill right now and I'm thinking I should just have a bowl of oatmeal instead. Sheesh.
Carbonated soda increases carbonic acids in the blood.

Carbonic acid has a much greater affinity for bonding with Oxygen than hemoglobin has for oxygen.
food on the grill? sigh, it been since last August that our BBQ has been relegated to the storage locker due to building envelope renovations. I hope its out sometime soon, we are SO due for a grilled cow parts meal around here. seriously.
Hemoglobin (kinda like rust) is what carries the oxygen through our body. If carbonic acid is all sorts of hogging the hemoglobin, there's less O2 in the blood for the rest of the body cells.

I didn't know carbonic acid and hemoglobin got along so well.
While there is a corrollation between elevated serum cholesterol and heart disease the medicos still don't know what causes elevated cholesterol-it is entirely possible that it is a natural response by the body for some good purpose. What is now evident is that cholesterol lowering meds do not decrease death rates! (There is a slight decrease in heart related death but more strokes and suicuides). Furthermore, your brain is loaded with cholesterol and trying to decrease cholesterol in the blood is now linked to decreased cognitive function.
Like Brian, I don't want to know/don't care. I'm losing weight to be healthier and trying to eat more wholesome foods but I could not possibly care less about my serum cholesterol or triglyceride levels.
You just need a bigger plate, Butch...don't down-size the omlette.

Betcha Wal-mart sells serving platters that would hold it.

I saw an episode of diners-drivins-dives that showed a place in seattle (i think) that specializes in omlets.

we like watching that show. Ill start watching the re-runs to see where its at. Oh, its on food network usually late at nite.

Just in fun, not calling anyone this but I always laugh when I see...

Fat Bastard! (he's my hero) :thumbup:

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You guys are freaking me out. I gotta go and get a test now. Two weeks until my next appointment is available.
I hope I am not one of those guys who goes to the doc. and he says its all over...
more than likley not. With out symptoms any way.