Administrator Emeritus
I don't know what you guys do over there, seems most really cram in somewhere small?Looks great Willie - makes me more determined to move somewhere I can build a decent shop
I'm thinking I'll pour a 25x35 slab in front for the big trucks. Nice to read you Al!That lathe most likely is an Atlas which Sears sold under their brand name .Good machine.
For a bucket truck you need around 12 feet of clearance .A little more might be nice .
Unless to plan on doing extensive work I wouldn't be concerned about over head tramrail cranes/lifts .It take a pretty robust steel framework structure to do .For that matter half the battle is just getting out of nasty weather and for that an open sided shed would work about as well .
That is his grinder but it's a good one. I may need to replace the switch on it soon, kinda intermittent.Looks very promising, Willie. Like your grinder too.