The Goobers are scary!
Gary, It is possible to get a full cord on a fullsize pickup. I don't have a pic but I'll explain how. Toss the bed almost full. With the bed filled just under the level of the rails start stacking around the edge of the bed with the chunks resting on the tossed wood and the rail and extending several inches over the side.having the bed less than completely filled lets you get a little angle inward so that the stacks don't fall off on the first turn. (It is pretty easy to stack 20-24 inch wood in a stable formation with plenty of overhang-16inch stove wood is a pain in the behind). Stack wood to the level of the top of the cab, toss the center full and slightly mounded above the stacked wood. If you stack carefully and really push it you can get a cord and a quarter on---- but a cord is a big load and any more starts getting less stable. A 1/2 ton will be grossly overloaded with any decent variety of wood. a 3/4 ton overloaded but steering okay and a 1 ton will be happy. I put measured cords on pickups many times. It is entirely doable without high sideboards.