Drugs like Ritalin, or pain killers, can have their serious side effects. Seeing my brother in the hospital recently, now on heavy meds for pain, I was blown away by what he was having to endure as side effects, much affecting his quality of life. Though the people directing his care didn't seem too bothered by it, I told his doctors that they needed to do something different. Ritalin has a long list of possible side effects as well. i wouldn't want my child on Ritalin.
Aside from so called abnormalities, like hyperactivity, probably simply going to school is stressful for kids, in one way or another. Sports does seem to be a calming influence, and not necessarily overly physically aggressive sports. Physical activity leads to relaxation, and it should be encouraged, imo. I certainly observe that children are considerably less physically active today than when i was young. Here on weekends, aside from the baseball teams, you hardly see any children outside playing. Sports also has a maturing effect. Japanese school and extracurricular sports have a hierarchal situation going on, where the younger people have to show respect to their older teammates, and if they don't, they get well informed about it. I can easily see how that also translates into how these same young people can better communicate with adults in a more respectful and polite way, being more disciplined in how they can control themselves, including use of language. It seems to be a good guide. If you can get self control going at a young age, I think it is very positive. I'd prefer that over having to beat on things.
I was riding a train early morning recently, and i observed a young kid, junior high or maybe first year high school, get on at another station. Before sitting down, he observed another older looking boy sitting in a seat, and he walked up to hm and gave a little bow, before finding his own seat. i think that likely they were team mates, both were carrying sports bag. The older kid dismissed him with a little nod. i thought it was pretty cool.