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My 201 had a bit of hesitation from the dealer. I adjusted the low screw a few times. It's still not as quick as my modded 200. But it is much better than when it originally arrived. Seems to be gaining power as well. About 15 tanks thru now.
Going to take the limiter out of the high side screw. Removing the muffler screen didn't seem to affect the saw at all. Put it back in as I didn't want to burn the plastic. Will see about removing the muffler and doing a few mods.
If you look at the specs, you see that sometimes the manufacturers will be using the exact same model carb for both a larger and smaller displacement saw. Must be a gray zone for them where they feel the smaller carb is sufficient and adjustment will meet the requirements, where in actuality a slightly larger one would work better. Putting a 257xp carb on a modded 242xp gave me raucous results. I can see where too large a carb will cause problems. You can't adjust the screws down enough to give the right mix, especially the low speed.
I got to check out a new 201 that my dealer got in the other day when I went to get my new 200 T out of layaway at the dealer and put a deposit on a new 200 with the rearhandle. Like Arb 1, I am stashing them till we need them.

I coundn't tell in any difference in weight between the two saws, balance is about the same. The handle on the 201 does have a little bit better feel to it compared to the 200, that comment has been made. It doesn't look as plasticy as it does in the pictures I have seen. The oil tank fill is on the bottom of the saw. Gas tank is in the same place as the 200. Bar nut is smaller but we know that already. That spring for the front handle looks like it has to be replaced with a new front handle instead of a just a rubber mount like the 200 , but don't take my word as gospel on that one.

I would have had to bought the saw to hear it run. A little snobby on the dealers part I thought but then it wouldn't have been new if gas was run through it. I am just dying to hear one of these saws run and see how they do in the wood but I wasn't about to drop another $ 600 some odd bucks to find out . I'll find out soon enough I guess. Overall I did like the saw and the way it felt. No electronics like I had mentioned before. Wrong info I had passed on earlier in this thread or at least I think it was this thread.
I was reading some about the 441 with computer contolled carb. Compensates for dirty filters. And apparently adjusts to porting very well. Sure the computer module will fail and it will be a few hundred to fix. The fuel savings should more than pay for that. It should also eliminate blown saws from lean conditions.

On the 201 there doesn't look to be much room for improvement in the muffler. It's a open can basically. I did enlarge the exit hole. Will see how that does.
Well my handle pieces are in so I may try and get the 201 together on Sunday. It'll then be running against a brand new 200t with even less tanks through it. I've run that new 200t and I'm telling ya it's gonna blow the doors off the 201t. But I will still give it a chance. Both saws bone stock just the screens pulled which did nada for the 201.
Ha no dice yet on putting it back together. I guess getting a couple more 200t's hasn't inspired me to be to on getting 201t back in the line-up. Hoping to maybe sometime this weekend though.

No one else has any thoughts or opinions on theres?

This saw to me until it broke was a big dissapointment. How's it working out for others? I'm very worried that we're going to be out of luck for a real ripper tophandle saw, real soon. How are your dealers down there looking for stock on 200t's. My local shop only has/had two left when I bought two a week or so ago, kinda thinking about snatching up the other two if they're still out there.
This thread prompted me to go to my dealer to see if he had any. Nope. He called around and found ONE. I bought it to put on the shelf........
I hear ya, but as I use 3 and have 2 spares, much as I would like to get one while they are still available, if it gonna just sit for 2 or 3 years, that prob wouldn't be a good idea as nothing likes sitting.

Agreed? Or if it was new and unused, maybe it would tolerate sitting better than a used unit?
Tree Guy got one a few weeks ago. Doesn't like it as much as the 200. He says not enough power and hates the spring on the handlebar.
Yes, I know! It shows my last posts as being in 2006, but I'm sure I posted since having the babies. Ever since having Ava in 2010 I never seem to get a moment on the computer. Missed everyone here though. *waving hello*. Don't know how much I'll be able to be on here.
I can still grab a couple 200T's here if somebody wants one. With a 16" bar they are $609 plus 6.5% tax. The 14" bar is $599 plus 6.5% ($638.95)
PM or email me if you want me to pick one up and mail it to you. They had 15 left a week ago.
They can't ship it out of state, Stihl protects its dealers and forbids selling out of their area. I would have to buy it as an end user and just ship it out myself.
Used a 201T for the first time today, seems like a solid saw overall, not a 200T, but fairly solid. Chain speed is definitly lower than the 200T, but it seems to have some grunt to it.
Might be taking you up on that Brian... 200T just ended up in the shop today with what looks like a carb problem...
See how much money hits the door this week...
Used a 201T for the first time today, seems like a solid saw overall, not a 200T, but fairly solid. Chain speed is definitly lower than the 200T, but it seems to have some grunt to it.

That's the problem I have with it though, it is the new 200t. Stihl has dropped the ball bigtime imo, I won't be buying another 201t, I'll try out the other brands 1st and I'm a diehard Stihl fanatic.
I wonder if you can go up a tooth on the drive spur. For me that is what works with the 441, lets the motor drop some some in rpm but still maintain a fast chain speed.
I can still grab a couple 200T's here if somebody wants one. With a 16" bar they are $609 plus 6.5% tax. The 14" bar is $599 plus 6.5% ($638.95)
PM or email me if you want me to pick one up and mail it to you. They had 15 left a week ago.

I was gonna order a new one two weeks ago, but the dealer in Columbus couldn't get them anymore. Found a brand new one on eBay for the same price as a new one at the shop, plus two new chains. Hope I'm set now.
I owned an 020 and agree nothing matches the power. Sad they can't get the carb issue solved, seeing how they own Zama. They need some good competition to get them moving in the right direction.

I think some of Stihl's carb engineers need to go over to Echo to learn how a good carb needs to be built.

I am not a Echo fan, don't get me wrong their equipment is underpowered compared to Stihl but I do have an Echo blower and that thing sits around for weeks at a time with fuel that goes stale but never has falled to fire by the third pull. Usually it only takes two and it is running. Ihaven't had to do a thing too it since I got it 3-4 years ago.

If only Stihl's saws were that reliable. I would be very happy.