The Tirfor is your best tree puler ....(when you don't have a D=7)
Would it be possible for you to illustrate the 21:1 scenario? I get the 15:1 idea, but fail to understand where the 21:1 comes in.Fiddle blocks usually have 2 refinemeants that other pulley systems might not have. They usually have bearings instead of bushings; and their forces are more inline, not side by side. Both of these let you get more of the potential of the leveraging.
A cleat, cam or prussik etc. can allow progressive capture/purchase; but also can hold so that you can rest, reset, impact or even bend/leverage the line sideways; also powerful strategies to add to the worx.
Placing 1 system on the end of another will multiply their forces 5:1 x 3:1= 15:1; but insetting the 3:1 (so that it doesn't terminate on anchor itself, but rather pulls on 5:1 at 2 different points can give 21:1. Because where the 3:1 would usually place 2x force on anchor outside of system, it now places that 2x onto a point that will pull 3x (5x -2x); so we add 2x3 to the 15:1 for 21:1!
i'll try to draw that out; am at werk now. But, essentially; instead of just piggybacking 3xRig on end of 5xRig; so that 3xRig has an anchor external to the system.... Place the 'lower' pull(2xPoint that usually pulls on anchor) of the 3xRig from anchor to pulling at a 3xPoint(3x to 'top' krab, but 4x to bottom krab of 5xRig) inside of the 5xRig; making the system a compund pulley system; kinda like a Spanish Burton.
i think of the flow of the mechanical force thru the rope as electricity thru a wire. So, let's not 'ground out' to anchor the 2xPoint of the 3xRig, but close that circuit to conserve those forces and pass to the load we are pulling(instead of to the anchor). That 2xPoint(lower pulley of the 3xRig) is just the equal opposite of the 3xEnd less the leg of pull of the control line(3x-1x); so let's put that 2x to work, and not 'ground it out' by letting it's force flow to anchor/ground.
The, 21x is potential (then less frictions etc. for actual); but then is also a conservative potential too; for a man can exert over /almost 2tons of pressure with this strategy. In that it could be 21xBodyweight + 32xEffort, by insetting the man as initating pull inset inside of the 3xRig, the way that the 3xRig is then inset inside of the 5xRig. So that a 100#Man with a 50#Pull, can have a potentail of 21x100 + 32x50=3700#. This would be kind of a compounded x compunded(inset inside of inset) system, for we are now using the equal and opposite of the man's effort, as well as the equal and opposite force of the 3xRig, all folded to target and each then multiplied....Only the outside rig needs to be grounded, other groundings are a 'waste' of potential forces.