Losing the American Amazon.

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are we talking about california because the article written by an alabaman was published among other places by a california newspaper?

I also am offended by golf course developers at the expense of farmers and a natural water cycle in which rivers flow all the way to the sea.

Among the things that bothers me most about our current president is that he represents a golf course developers world view.

It is fully representative of our system that golf courses represent higher financial worth than growing food or maintaining a healthy water cycle.
He wants the state to run everything.

I find it quite amusing that y'all here go on and on about " your freedom" , "your liberties" and " Land of the free" as opposed to the poor oppressed European semi commies, yet you all hate and fear " The State".
Seriousness aside for a second, I had a swedish dirtbikng friend ISDE caliber and even he bust up when I did the Swedish chef accent on his last name, "Ruuuegseeeeegger". Bjork! Warms your heart to make someone smile. No offence please :)

Carry on!