A good friend of mine got in a accident at work yesterday. we were felling a very large, dead red oak in the woods over some power lines. we had two ropes in it, one was tied to a truck and one going to another tree with a 3:1 on it. as the tree started to fall the rope obviously went slack, that is until it caught another tree on the way down and immediately snapped tight again which at this point zipped across my buddy cutting down to the bone in his leg, luckily catching him under his arm cutting that all up too,(I say luckily 'cause if it caught the neck he'd be dead) and throwing him 10-15 feet in the air. I don't know why he was still near that rope, it all seems avoidable in hind sight of course. after he left for the hospital I notched another big dead oak. the tree started to fall, I walked away, watched the tree hit the ground, said "alright, let's get outta here!" grabbed my saw and headed for the truck. then a 3 foot log landed in front of me. I'm talking 4 or 5 seconds after the tree hit the ground this log either bounced or got sling shot so far in the air it took that long to come down. we decided not to do anymore tree work that day. My buddy will be alright, besides being cut and bruised. I'm sure it will take about a month before he's back at work. I'm just really glad his arm caught that rope boy oh boy. be safe out there guys, there were 4 very experienced people on this job, any one of us could have should have seen the problem with what we were doing. don't avoid safety talks for fear of looking like a pussy in front of the guys, alright I'm rambling.