Like/Dislike Button

Yes or No

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All it does is show up in the corner, showing the score. Like I said earlier it just boosts the poster's ego - nothing more.

I guess the truth or falsehood of your statement is dependent on how the "Like" button is implemented. Right now, to the best of my knowledge, when I tap on the "Notifications" button at the top of the page, the only information I get from it is whether or not someone has left me a private message. If the fact that someone "Liked" a post of mine was able to show up in the "Notifications" tab, with a link available that would take me back to that particular post, it would have the effect of drawing me back into an old thread.

I have used a "Like" button on different forums on posts from other members, sometimes years after they'd made the original post. This has caused them to revisit the thread, and add more commentary.

To me, the main purpose of a "Like" button is not to stroke egos. The main purpose, if it is done right, is to cause people to be drawn back into old conversations. The "Like" button must be tied into the "Notifications" button in order for it to work the way that it should. Also, I agree with others who've made comments about whether one's posts are even being read by others, or not. A "Like" button just makes it obvious that at least someone is out there watching.

I voted yes to the "Like" only button.

I'm on another Xenforum that has a full range of emoticons covering a spectrum of reactions. There's an alert button up top that tells you how many alerts you have. Expand that, and you can see who quoted your post, and/or reacted to it. Each reaction gets an alert, as well as each quote. IOW, if you see a "5" on the alert button, you have five different quotes, mentions(using @user_name) and/or reactions. Clicking on one of those takes you to the relevant thread. A separate button shows messages, which could be PMs, or admin messages.
My vote is neither. I feel they mainly have detriments with the only benefit being a brief dopamine hit when you get a like. Cheap thrills.

So, I'm having a tough time figuring out your point of view. Are all of the things you mentioned in your previous post essentially bad, in your opinion? Or are you having second thoughts? Thanks in advance for your time.

It's a double edged sword, and I do have mixed feelings on it, but I think on the whole it's detrimental. It encourages hive thinking(Gotta get those sweet likes), and punishes non-mainstream thought, and/or controversial opinions, especially when you have the full range of reactions.

That has a few consequences. Perhaps people self censor, and only post what is neutral or popular. We don't advance as a species doing exactly what we've always done. You gotta push the borders, and sometimes try controversial things. Perhaps there's a member that's a genius, but posts unpopular opinions in say the politics subforum. Newer members that see his bad reaction score might dismiss his genius in the technical forums, or maybe he gets discouraged and quits posting altogether.

On the forum I mentioned there's a little pansy that doesn't like me. He recently made a run of ticking negative reactions to a bunch of my past posts, cause that's what little bitches do. Does it matter? No, and my like count is so high, he'd have to make it a real job to get my negs high enough to notice, but it's something that can be gamed. Not everyone has the maturity to deal with the internet(This guy is >60yr old!).

I got an alert on the other forum. It was someone quoting one of my posts. This is what it looks like...


My name is an overview of my account, the envelope is for messaging, and the bell is alerts.
One of the things that keeps me at the house is the simplicity of the forum, one advertiser, a selection of emojis for, the odd private message, done.
It's about the people and the conversations, not clickbait.
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<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/ZUqFcts"><a href="//">Giving a good post more exposure</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
It's six points, if you do as Mick suggested, and combine the values of the two "Yes" vote options. Admittedly, that is still about an 18% lead in the poll for leaving things as they are.

Maybe the lack of new people on the forum is not something that can be fixed anyway, and changing things would only make a lot of the old members mad or unhappy. I've always been appreciative of having this forum available, in whatever form Butch wishes to keep it.

It's a double edged sword, and I do have mixed feelings on it, but I think on the whole it's detrimental. It encourages hive thinking(Gotta get those sweet likes), and punishes non-mainstream thought, and/or controversial opinions, especially when you have the full range of reactions.

That has a few consequences. Perhaps people self censor, and only post what is neutral or popular. We don't advance as a species doing exactly what we've always done. You gotta push the borders, and sometimes try controversial things. Perhaps there's a member that's a genius, but posts unpopular opinions in say the politics subforum. Newer members that see his bad reaction score might dismiss his genius in the technical forums, or maybe he gets discouraged and quits posting altogether.

On the forum I mentioned there's a little pansy that doesn't like me. He recently made a run of ticking negative reactions to a bunch of my past posts, cause that's what little bitches do. Does it matter? No, and my like count is so high, he'd have to make it a real job to get my negs high enough to notice, but it's something that can be gamed. Not everyone has the maturity to deal with the internet(This guy is >60yr old!).

I got an alert on the other forum. It was someone quoting one of my posts. This is what it looks like...


My name is an overview of my account, the envelope is for messaging, and the bell is alerts.

This is Xenforo, which is what Butch is having me migrate this forum to.

On topic, we can certainly disable likes/reactions, but it leaves me wondering "why?"
If that's not how you want to engage with the forum, then don't touch them and post a comment like you always would. If someone else wants to engage with a topic by liking it, then let them. Some engagement is better than none at all, no?

That's just my internet-kid take on the matter.
... Some engagement is better than none at all, no?...

No. I'm probably not the right guy to make a comment on this as I am a terrible poster, but content matters. Today's social media is chock full of engagement that is meaningless. What's the point?