Mike Maas
You answered the question to your entire point of why not to use that system. But to say that a Gibbs will not adjust is not accurate. Better to say, for you, the gibbs does not adjust under load.
As for using a gibbs for a climbing system, have you ever used variations on a doubled whipped tackle to ascend using DRT? Robert Phillips has come up with some effective and easy ways of doing this.
It just takes alot of climb line to do it.
I respect you alot Mike, you know a hell of alot, and you are very smart as well. I respect that in you.
It is just when someone says something doesn't work, and it actually does, well, maybe it is more accurate to say it doesn't work FOR YOU.
Thanks for the complements and if you can make the Gibbs work for you, great.
I read this tip on writing, something I'm admittedly not great at, that suggested not saying things like "I think..." or "It's my opinion that..." because you're writing the post, of course it's your opinion or what you think! LOL!
So when I say Gibbs aren't the best lanyard set up, that's y opinion, and again, I don't climb a lot of sappy evergreens. That said, a lot of guys use them and love them.
If you disagree with me, you're probably wrong (LOL!), but you don't need to preface it with a bunch of complements. Just let me have it.

Tom D's lanyard looks pretty sweet, but I bet that hitch grabs like a son of a gun. Also, why does it all look so new and unused? Get your lazy butt out into a tree!