Knick Nack Collections


Tree Hugger
Mar 6, 2005
Oxford, Connecticut
Anyone have anything in particular they collect?

I have a weak spot for old locks and a crap load of keys not pictured.


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We took down a house last fall at work, the guy had some sort of lock fetish going on. Many more locks than you have posted there. And lots of weird keys. Some of them are still in the woodshop. I'll see if I can score them for you.

I don't know that I really collect knick-knacks, I mostly collect woodworking or blacksmith tools, mostly.
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No kidding.

Let me know, thanks!

I acquired most when an old lady my mother took care of had to move out. Her husband was a hoard, and a couple small boxes full. Otherwise another lady I know who flea market shops picks them up for me all the time. The old ones are nice, they weight a ton.
I have a couple old glass jars, an Underwood #5 manual typewriter, and an old Maxwell House coffee tin that used a key to open like a can of Spam or something. But I don't actively collect stuff.
I collect kids! :lol: ...and gray hairs. :shifty:


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Nice looking group, Brett. There must be at least one future tree worker in the bunch......or is it the "I don't want anyone to have to slave like me" thing?
Nice batch of kids there Brett.

I have a bunch of keys around somewhere. Lately I'm collecting broken watches, I've been busting about one Casio Forrester a month.
Not a secret, I used to seriously collect guns. I sold 9 or so earlier this year. Guess I don't have a picture with everything in the same shot.

Earlier this week I sent around 800lbs of magazines to the library. That was a pretty large collection I'd amassed. And no, none of that was porn.:lol:

Sold 3 of these
I tried to collect money for a while now, but whenever I get a nice collection worth displaying, it keeps disappearing.
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You should set up a right proper display for your collection, Brendon!

Ya I know. I just have to come up with a neat idea, instead of just having a wall full of locks. When I get my own place I plan on scattering them about, but for now they stay in antique cigar boxes. Did I mention I have some interesting boxes too? :lol:
I collect military cap badges and have been since 1980.

I cleaned out most of my colletion to obtain all the cap badges of all the military units that ever existed in the Windsor area since the Canada Militia Act in the late 1800's.

Many of the earlier badges are very rare and cost a small forture. It took me 30 years but I finally got a representation of all of them.

Some of the pics above are from the internet for the purpos of showing better detail.

BTW, I also served 9 1/2 years with The Essex & Kent Scottish regiment (Reserves)!




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Always wondered about lights on guns. I understand the positive aspects, but it seems like they would give away your position equally.
I forgot, I have a collection 'Heavy Metal' Magazines, about 5 years worth.
I collect coins. Any denomination, from anyplace, any year. Probably got a few tons worth.
I collect antique perfume bottles and crystals (not as much as I used to), older 'patented' Revere Ware cookware (I'm trying to put a full set together for each of my kids), rocks/fossils, weird nature stuff.

I collect wayyyyyyyyyyy more STUFF than I should. It's almost like a curse.