Ivermectin vs. Covid and the vaccine

Not really @stig , but if it soothes you to make that claim so be it ! It seems that we are all out of tinfoil , and making the absurd statements that you do about lizards and Jews and 2500hr 500is speaks volumes to those who know better. Too bad ... so sad 😞
I don't know what might be happening where you live Frankie, but here vaccinated folks are returning to many normal activities. No caca in sight.
Perhaps , here’s a link to prove the checkmate. You are being deceived sir ... If you choose to view this (which I highly recommend) the video is 12 questions to ask before taking the vaccine - It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt (with the actual gov responses - not anyone’s “opinion”) that we are not in Kansas anymore ... HighImpactTV - https://odysee.com/@HighImpactFlix:ca02ba2d0ded5f4fd143132cd9156fa609966e76 ... one more important point - should one perish shortly after taking the vaccine, whether the vaccine is a cause or not , the insurance company can (depending on wording) deny the survivors the life insurance benefit on the basis of taking a FDA EUA “experimental vaccine”. This alone raises concern.
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I'd love to see you verify that.

So, according to you, if I crash my motorcycle and die, my life insurance won't pay up, because I've been vaccinated.

Some parallel World, indeed.

I'm guessing this is in the same class as your Kamala Harris was sworn in on the tenets of Marx bullshit.
I'd love to see you verify that.

So, according to you, if I crash my motorcycle and die, my life insurance won't pay up, because I've been vaccinated.

Some parallel World, indeed.

I'm guessing this is in the same class as your Kamala Harris was sworn in on the tenets of Marx bullshit.
I’d luv to see you verify your 2500/hr 500i claim via screenshot too but that’s for another thread ... Depending on how the life insurance policy is written/worded the payout can be denied. Check your individual policy , your hours may vary 😁
Viruses cannot be cultured in a petri dish, they need living cells to invade. Many vaxxines use aborted fetal cell lines, as well as monkey, mouse, and pig cells. The animal parts used to make vaxxines have been linked to contamination with animal viruses, the most famous of which is the Simeon Virus 40 (SV-40) which contaminated 95 million polio vaxxines from 1958-1963. It was not pulled off the shelves even after it had been discovered to be contaminated with SV-40 which is a powerful carcinogen. This virus is likely the cause of the soaring rates of several types of cancer including mesothelioma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. There is an organization in Washinton state that is dedicated to bringing awareness to the potential dangers of using human cell lines in Vaxxines.

The J and J vaxx contains 2 types of aborted fetal cell lines. In the name of God the Most High please reconsider complicity with the modern version of the satanic ritual of child sacrifice. Luckily there are often other options. satanists torture and murder children and animals and drink their blood. Injecting aborted fetal cell lines into innocent babies is too similar to those pathological anti-love practices for my taste. I would encourage everyone to do their own research on the subject.

You just need to read the label brother, and know what you are reading. now maybe its a matter of symantics. No these are not actual cells from the aborted fetuses. They are cell lines derived from those cells. According to Dr. Aleena Banerji, a member of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force, fetal cell lines are not the same thing as fetal tissue.
“Fetal cell lines are cells that are in fact grown in a laboratory setting,” Banerji said.
Banerji explained that these cell lines were taken from elective abortions in the 1970s and 1980s. Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since been grown in the lab for 30 to 40 years, creating fetal cell lines.
“Current fetal cell lines are generations removed from the original fetal tissue and they do not contain any tissue from a fetus,” she said.
The current vaccines containing aborted fetal material, according to the Centers for Disease Control are:

Adenovirus 4,7: Acute Respiratory (Barr Laboratories) (WI-38 human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures)
Pentacel: Polio + DTaP + HiB – (Sanofi Pasteur) (MRC-5 human diploid cells)
Havrix: Hepatitis – A (Glaxo SmithKline) (MRC-5 cellular proteins)
Vaqta: Hepatitis – A (Merck) (MRC-5 human diploid cells)
Twinrix: Hepatitis A and B combo (Glaxo) (MRC-5 human diploid cells)
MMR II: Measles + Mumps + Rubella (Merck) (WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts)
ProQuad MMRV: Measles + Mumps + Rubella + Chickenpox (Merck) (WI-38 & MRC-5)
Imovax: Rabies (Sanofi Pasteur) (MRC-5 human diploid cells)
Varivax: Chickenpox (Merck) (MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein & WI-38 human diploid cell cultures)
Zostavax: Shingles (Merck) (MRC-5 – cells include DNA & proteins)

When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for emergency use, neither the Pfizer nor Moderna vaccines used fetal cell lines during the development or production phases. (So, no fetal cell lines were used to manufacture the vaccine, and they are not inside the injection you receive from your doctor.) However, both companies used the fetal cell line HEK 293 in the confirmation phase to ensure the vaccines work. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 elective abortion that took place in the Netherlands.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a bit different. It is an adenovirus vector vaccine. (Adenovirus is the virus that causes the common cold. The virus in this vaccine has been changed so that it does NOT cause illness.) With this type of vaccine, a carrier, in this case adenovirus, acts as a delivery vehicle. The adenovirus has had the coronavirus spike protein added to its DNA. The adenovirus carries that genetic material into your body, delivering its modified DNA to your cells. Your cells will then make the spike protein, activating your immune system. Once activated, your immune system creates antibodies to fight off the spike protein. Here’s an infographic that breaks the process down.
To make their virus vector vaccine, Johnson & Johnson infects PER.C6 fetal cell line cells with adenovirus. All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 elective abortion that also took place in the Netherlands. They use this cell line because it is a well-studied industry standard for safe and reliable production of viral vector vaccines.
It appears the threat of “disease” was used by the Nazis to inflict great suffering on a particular group , another psy-op in living , living color ... 93B7B82D-7678-4B02-8B97-927F04E7CB20.jpeg It roughly translates to Jews cause Typhus
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It appears the threat of “disease” was used by the Nazis to inflict great suffering on a particular group , another psy-op in living , living color ... View attachment 109593It roughly translates to Jews cause Typhus

Frankie, I realize the school system in the US is not that good.
Or maybe you just slept through history classes.

That was not a Nazi thing, especially, but something that has always been going on.

Ever heard of Pogroms?

Bad harvest........let us go to the Ghetto and kill some jews.
Disease in town..............let us go to the Ghetto and kill some jews.
The cows are not giving a much milk as they used to........let us go to the Ghetto and kill some jews.


Why do you think they all ended up running off to the new Zionist state?

But of course bandying the Nazi word around sure adds some veracity to it.
So just to be clear, Stig, are you saying the Nazis were a kind-hearted, gentle folk, always handing out candy to the children and helping old ladies with their groceries? Seriously, I’ve never heard anyone defend the actions of the Gestapo.

Yeah, we got some pogroms here in the U.S. Coca-Cola’s got one going currently agin white folk.
Nope, I'm saying that Frankie and Murphy spend all their time finding stuff on the net, that they think suport their World view, while in fact they are too stupid or uneducated to separate the whey from the chaff.

You know as well as I do ( Hopefully) that the persecution of the Jews didn't start when Herr. Schicklgruber decided he needed their money to keep his war going.

It has been going on since forever.

Just like the dream of a homeland, where they could live in peace, has.

L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim
Stig , the Nazis labeled Jews as “disease carriers” to enable the formation of ghettos to begin with ! Perhaps a read of Naomi Baumslags’ “Murderous Medicine : Nazi doctors , human experimentation and Typhus” might bring you around to normal and you can start again from there. Containing typhus became the rationale for : quarantine, ghetto-ization and delousing baths , aka gas chambers. This was about using medicine and public health for killing , plain and simple. It is quite apparent that on this particular issue your educational system has failed you miserably in that you are unable to draw parallels to the present situation. If you recall last year it seemed that (unless the corpse was riddled with bullets) every death was labeled as cervesza bug whether or not the unfortunate individual had pre-existing conditions! This is common knowledge to those who possess discernment and was used to drive the “numbers” that precipitated the lockdowns / measures that are still in effect one year later and show no signs of abating. Now we have reports of death / serious side effects are coming in from around the globe with Healthy, vibrant individuals with NO pre-existing medical conditions perishing shortly after administration of the “vaccine” and there is speculation as to cause of death? In other words - move along folks, nothing to see here. Tin-foil hatters were warning about this since last March but unfortunately the sheep could not/ would not see the forest for the trees! The PTB have clearly been “making it all up as they go along” for over a year now- you would have to be a complete idiot not to see this. You see sir , this was never about a disease , rather it is about control. Also you misspoke , it is wheat from the tares - a rather fitting parable given the situation 💉
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My bad, I really thought Ghettos were a thing before the Nazis came around.
Guess not.
Fence post or broomstick? No barbed wire , that would be .... uncivilized, however I’m sure they’ll grease it before insertion :O