Insurance Premium to Gross Revenue ratio

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I just checked with North Dakota's Workforce Safety....otherwise known as Worker's Comp.

The rate they charge for landscaping employees is 2.13% of their wages. For tree work the rate goes up to 5% of the employee's wages. Keep track of the employee's hours in each category worked and pay accordingly per month.

I forgot to mention that there's a wage cap of $35,600. Any wages over that amount are exempt from Workforce Safety Insurance fees.

That's ridiculously cheap!!! 50 cents per hour for WC/ $10 hourly wage for tree work, plus its capped!

Through WA State WC I pay hourly. $3.45 or $4.35, or something close per hour. come in Oz tree work P/L is minimum 10 million, and you guys in US can get way less?

I'm paying about the same for my 10 million that Steven is paying for 1 million!
Ok, my gross is way less but still!
P/L? professional liability insurance? What we call General Liability Insurance?

I have $1M, for $1200-1500, based off revenue, I believe.
Sorry, Public Liability, you know, for if you drop a tree on someone's house or car or dog...or them.

I just wonder why over here they assess tree work as needing a minimum of 10 million public liability.
In Bermuda I don't even have to have it, but much better to, and my insurer in Oz gives me an extension to Bermuda...convenient!
My business liability insurance covers landscaping, tree work, snow removal, turf and tree spraying, mowing, fence installations, etc. NO DIGGING....such as with a backhoe, or excavator. I am not covered for digging basements, or installing drain tile, for example. Based on gross sales, my insurance runs 1800 per year and I'm covered for up to 1 million dollars per incident. Bonding is not required unless some contract specifies it.

I'm a licensed Manitoba Arborist licensed by the Manitoba government. To hold that license I have to hold $2 million liability insurance, which costs me $1200 a year and in the same policy my equipment is covered for a extra $800 . My deductible is $500.
Any damage to underground utilities I have to pay $2000 deductible , if I pay more premium my underground deductible would be less.
My workers comp for myself as I work solo is $300 year.
Our comp is about 25-28 % of wages.
1 million liability isn't realistic anymore. With the exchange rate to Oz right now Fi, I think you're in a reasonable range. The first million in coverage is the most expensive. I should probably see what it takes to go up to 5 million.