Honey Bees

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Thanks, only the best for my bees.

Steve, this hive was trapped out of the floor of a house by sealing a wire mesh cone over the hole they were going in and out of, essentially creating a one way door that they could go out of but not get back in. I put my hive right next to the cone with some brood comb (baby bees). The bees that could not get back into their original hive gave up and started moving into my hive, and taking care of the baby bees. Over the course of a week or so all the bees had come out of the old hive and into the new one, with the exception of the queen. The queen goes down with the ship, as it were. Anyways, the bees raised a new queen out of the eggs on the brood comb that I gave them, but somehow she didn't make it.

It's usually best to tear open a building and extract the bees, comb and all, but in this case ripping open the 100+ year old hardwood floor was not an option for the owners.
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  • #79
you buying a house? awesome, you wont regret it
Been looking. Not sure if my past two years would qualify me for a mortgage, but this year's been better. Accountant's going to write something up for this year, and going to see what I can pre-qualify for. There is crazy deals around here right now.

I know what I can pull together every month, but not sure what they will think of it on paper.
Good luck with it Brendon. It's a good time to buy, although the banks are being pretty stingy with their loans. Getting pre-qualified is a good idea because it lets you know right up what your price range is.
Currently I just found 30 acres cheap, although it's 45 minutes from my work area. It'd take 2 hrs to go give a bid, bleh. Kinda bummed about that one.

I've found quiete a few houses, with property. I just have to mentally prep myself than heeve hoo.
This a cool-ass thread. I never really had much interest in the bee thing, but it makes for neat learning.:)8)
Katy wants to start a hive. We are going to try and trade a guy for a hive..... Both Rob and Katy are working on it. I think the guy might drop 20 or so hives on our place. We are going to try and arrange a trade for a hive letting him keep hives here for a certain length of time :)

Will you send me a PDF of those Plans too? Por Please.

Often we find honey bees here at work.

It would be nice to build something at the community gardens here.

Then a manner of transporting.
I just hate seeing things get wasted.
Just yesterday I carried a bumble bee on my finger tip across the street.
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  • #90
more sugar.....they are eating a ton. I bought 250lbs...hopefully that will do.......might not be long before the feds show up to see what Im doing.:/:
What's an acceptable amount of honey/brood comb to get through the winter in a Langstroth hive? 2 deeps?
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  • #95
one deep with a shallow or medium on top....40-60lbs off honey/sugar

double deeps dont seem to commom here
Thanks for the pdf Leon.

I gave it to the appropriate guy.

He said bees are not protected here in the Presidio as with a "historical" Mandate they are not native to San Francisco.
Apparently Bees are naturalized and were not here when this was a franciscan sand dune in 16 tiggety two.

I thought how Absurd can someone bee?
What about Pollination I asked for the community gardens he said.....Yeah.

S.O.P is to call the SF Society of Bees to collect them.

Weird ass people. and how do they become in charge?
European honey bees were brought from Europe. There are some native bees, but none as easily managed as the honey bees.
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  • #98
been there a lot longer then the presidio...Some bee keeper would be happy to relocate them
They launched their indiegogo site. Raised 1.6 million overnight.
600 usd for hive. I really want to see one in person.

Still have me bee log ....old fashioned