Weakest link is the 'fused' strength of the system
>>fuse function can be used to good to protect rest of system sometimes
>>but here a failure when overloads
Blair's Formulae assumes a lot, like no forgiveness in system and nominal speed. Speed is squared, so exponential as Kyle says. Blair gives glimpse of nominal drops under 10' total I think was said thumbrule falls far behind at on that growth ratio. So that means CoG 4' off hinge pivot, then inverted to total 8, then play out any slack etc. and formulae close to faultline if not over before rope tension increase STARTS to de-accelerate but still running, just 'lighter' but gaining speed all the time...
references from Donzelli, Mueiller, Blair, Bavaresco and Kotwica(wasSherrill artist) drawings and the ArboMaster calculator
Think of hammer effect of the impact of that light head.
total force is equal to the (static wt. x length leveraged factor) x dynamic SQUARED
(in electricity this is total power =watts = (resistance x length) x ampsSQUARED >>cuz amps is speed and resistance is as weight in line over distance..)
If take hammer choked up handle to head and place/then press on scale, and press down
>>is less than if normal position and place/then press on scale
(non impacts just pressure)
But w/o messing up wife's scale know should not swing hammer at scale, can destroy it
>>and now the less leveraged /normal grip >> covrs more distance in same time(speed)
Is the larger force, not lesser