Head leaner - back tension rig/release?


Desert Beaver
Apr 25, 2022
El Centro, CA (East of Sandy Eggo)
Fella on another forum is asking about some split head leaning pines…no pics yet. But it reminded me of an idea. There is much discussion on how to cut head leaners and prevent chairing, most solutions being loggeresque, but arborists have another tool in the box - throwline and rope. How about pulling back on the tree, making the safe plunge cuts, and then releasing the rope? I’m sure you guys have a kewl knot or quick real ease piece of gear…or sacrifice a piece of old rope and just cut it.

Thinking out loud…perhaps one could position the anchor to the rear and side, leave it connected and have a dual purpose…relieve head tension, and provide redirect. Not for newbs…
Wood is generally sufficient with BC- reducing felling cuts.

A chain with binder, or my preference of a chain with a grab-hook tightened by wedges, is fast and easy.

Trucker ratchet- straps are already on the truck to bind a stem.

Knots are under too much pressure. I'd use a sacrificial piece of rope with an ax.

If you can adjust a Portawrap to be wrapped at the end of your holding rope, it will be easy to quickly drop the retainer line.

I think you mentioned, elsewhere, the idea of using 2 hinges at right angles to one another, vertically seperated in order to lift a trunk in one direction, then fell perpendicular.

If there is a lean toward, and an open landing zone, the lifting hinge is set up to Coos Bay into the lay.

Nick Bonner ( now a longtime TreeStuff.com-er) posted a video of the double-hinge technique. Used to use Bonner1040 as his 'handle' on the TH,I think... don't know about it on YouTube.
10-12 years ago, I'd guess.
My friend Jim Ciro, old timber faller, had a tree rigged and layout built for it. He put in the undercut, backut and the cat skinner let the line go and the tree landed in the lay.

Jim is like 96 or 97 years old now. The tree was a redwood, a headleaner with about 30 thousand bf.

Worked slick. Just like you imagined.