Happy Winter Solstice

I can't imagine paganism being any more or less silly than any other religion. I do think celebration of the solstice is a rational celebration though and it makes a lot of sense. call it christmas or whatever you want I don't care. Likewise Easter and the equinox. or the first sunday after the first full moon after the equinox... or just call it spring. worth celebrating.. Ill celebrate anything. just give me an excuse.
Who mentioned paganism?

It is simply a celebration of the fact that the f...... down on the southern hemisphere have to give us our daylight back.

We have been celebrating the solstice for millenia before the frigging christians put their stamp on it.

A completely different thing.

Now it is not about the days getting longer( Which, if you live as far north as I do, is indeed something to celebrate).
It is about the supposed birth of a supposed person, who is the supposed son of a supposed god.

I guess I should really post the supposed Dave Allen sketch here:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FwPr5H-wjAA" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
same party, there is still even an evergreen tree. you can look at days getting longer as the birth of god. just as the rebirth of god as spring time ( easter) who the frig cares. its a party.
you are getting way to caught up in what things are called. if a christian doesn't know that they are celebrating the solstice thats their problem.
No, I'm getting caught up in the fact that all over Europe the old holidays were simply taken over by the christians.

Let me correct that: In the whole world, the old holidays were taken over by the christians.

This is not a question of a christian not knowing what he / she / it is celebrating, but of christianity trying to take over the world.
blegh. people been believing crazy shit forever. christians no more or no less crazy than anything else. Although you would qualify as a religious extremist in my book having been moved to violence by someone trying to share their different beliefs with you.
brrrrr! I'm down in the mountains of North Carolina at the moment and its 60 degrees and there are forsythias blooming

Oh, now I get it.

Sicking my large and sweet dog on a missionary was me being moved to violence.

Back in the day, he would have been killed and burned as an offering to the death god, Odin.

That was before the white christ made his way in here.

When we still celebrated solstice by cutting the throat of a stallion and letting it bleed out on the sacred ro

Those were the days.
why would you treat the poor guy any different than a vacuum salesman other than radical extremism.
Great Cold pics, Jim. Even if it is a dry cold;)

It was 37*F here today and raining...you know "there is nothing worse than a 35* rain"
Great looking beef!!!

Hey Jim, you burning any wood during the cold snap?
it doesnt look like there is any wood to be burnt for miles in those pictures. except maybe the fence posts.
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  • #73
We do save all our old rotted off posts and pile em up. Just in case you know.

I bought a trailer load of wood from the hired man. He said it was about three cord.

The valley is full of standing white cottonwood.

I am not really set up to burn wood at the moment. Really need an insert for my fireplace

I have a wood stove in the basement and a cook stove, but only use them in an emergency.

I would really like to burn wood, but have not come up with a good way yet.
cottonwood out here is not worth the effort to split. that goes straight to the chip yard along with pine, spruce and boxelder. might as well burn cardboard boxes. what about cow dung like the pioneer days. my grandfather grew up in Kansas during the depression and they heated and cooked with cow chips.
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  • #75
Well, you can burn cow shit, horse shit, I suppose sheep shit if you had to.

The old homesteaders burned a lot of shit in their sod huts and dugouts.

This country burned coal back in the day, before the trees moved in. Kerosene too.

Cotton wood is great firewood.