We had ham radio on the boat...an all band tranciever.
Started to do the work for a ham licence but it was a LOT. Back then you had to learn and pass morse code at a certain speed (1990ish).
And yes, listening was ok, and we could transmit in an emergency.
Before the days of global internet and when satellite phones were the perview of the rich and famous, ham radio was a link to the world when you were 1300miles from anywhere.
There was a bloke in Bermuda who used to gather all sorts of weather data from nascent internet and satellite info, collate it and he had a list of cruising yachts around then world, and on a schedule you would find in and he'd give you a very detailed weather report.
We were sailing off the coast of Cyprus and got through to him and got our weather report...also while crossing the Atlantic.
NOAA had weather report schedules as well, but old mate in Bermuda was way better.