twin GRCS job today...real nice!
That's ok, you don't have to tell us about it or anything...

twin GRCS job today...real nice!
Your right on that one Willie. Forgot about that added feature. I think that was even covered in the older video now that I think about it.
Oh Darin, When you get down to chunking down a spar. Have the ground guy(s) at least remove the capstain to avoid hitting a mounted GRCS or better yet the whole mounting assembly.
the new dvd has a part were Greg explains and shows how to take the unit apart, what to look for and how to grease it.
maybe send him an email and ask him for the best way to get the dvd?
AxeMan=I ordered one with ours and have only used it once. We really didn't need it for that one time. Cutting that extra notch for the visor is a pain.
Roger, that 1/8" inch of endplay seems a bit excessive.