Full body harness

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woodcutr if you wanted to get in to splicing you could always extract the core in that area and inspect it. that's me probably being too thorough. I had an issue setting my adjustable friction saver once and pulled on it hard enough that when I got it out of the tree I could feel an inconsistent diameter in a section of the rope. It worried me but I got my marlin spike out, checked the core, milked it back in and began to zero the rope back out. I was good enough at splicing but new enough at climbing that doing that gave me confidence in my gear once again.
I only have 2 splices that I can think of that I didnt do, and a few sewn eyes, all the splices I use were done on my bedroom floor, I need a splicing bench but got nowhere to put one
that link was exactly what I needed. VTIO has put out a lot of great articles I saw links to here earlier. I need to get to downloading and reading. I had half of only one strand on my double braid cut so now its confirmed good :)
HRC is a great cord, super soft and grabby, ive got some confetti that is picky about cords, isnt that also yale 11.7? re-colored blue moon?
ruel how does blue moon act in an srt set up? I see in a lot of videos where people don't like all the extra stretch of the normal 24 strand line so that makes me wonder about my lines when I go srt
you can live with the stretch, just makes things bouncier, the rope I have, base anchored, over a crotch at 70ft, I can get probably 6ft of stretch when im on the ground testing my system

also, order this if you havent already
I got it already, haven't got to get in to reading it yet. working on Jepson's to fell a tree book now. You got me wanting to get my epicord out to try the 3/4 vt.
you said it was 30" right? it will work great assuming epicord is what everyone says it is
skwerl I just noticed some of the nicks in your climbing line. I kisses my tachyon line 3ft from my spliced eye for the first time a couple days ago. didn't even cut through a single carrier but since then I've asked myself, when is too much damage time to retire? I do all my own splices so I could easily cut 3ft off and resplice it but I don't see the need to. So I guess my question is when is there too many strands cut to be considered safe?
That was my retired hitch cord in the background. I had just replaced it with the fresh hitch cord then I took pics. 3/8" Sta Set. I started with 5/16" but it was too grabby. The thicker hitch cord was smoother and stronger.
epicord is still my favorite feeling hitch cord. only reason I got away from using it was using a shorter line to begin learning the distal and Michoacán
yeah, its gonna be good with the 4/3 lol
im going to get some now, probably a 30" eye 2 eye, and will get another 30 or 32" armorprus eye 2 eye
my 9.3mm epi was great with my blue moon. haven't tested the 8mm epi or my 9.3mm on an 11mm line. I could now that I have my chinook long lanyard (only climbable 11mm line I have.
I was running my lanyard at like 30ft, but have cut it down to 15, and gave the other half to my dad to splice his own lanyard, all my gear goes to him as I upgrade (he is a new climber, so far he's doing better than my punctuation today)

that velocity is great stuff, not sure how it is as a long climb line since I only got a little in a bag o rope, but for a lanyard its great, I use it almost every climb for a couple years now with minimal wear except the normal fuzz, if im not using it im using my steel core flipline
really, going off how much I like it, I might just order more for a climb line, the big downside is how hard it is to flick or roll, but I dont do much of that with my climb line, and can clip a spare throw weight to it if I gotta throw it
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here is what you should get (what I use and love) for SRT

the suspender are super nice, a chest harness will work but this is just what I use, the treemotion verson comes with one rear strap to thread thru a single loop, the monkeybeaver version is two separate straps for separate loops, the suspender is the exact same, just a different rear strap
currently I have the tree motion slight with the camp tree access srt chest harness. the combination is great and very comfortable. just got both of them within the last month. I also have the notch srt chest harness (the one that doesn't connect to your climbing harness. But I don't use that one anymore since I got the camp srt one. My primary lanyard is a 15ft sterling trial-tech I originally got from Wesspur. had it for over a year now and its been my flip line and everything. Haven't even bought a wire core yet but ive used my bosses
yeah, after my next saw I will begin getting my srt gear. Favorite learning resources? besides for here of course
I read all the free PDFs I could

never really bought books, but from what others have said, jeff Jepson and beranek are the good book writers, I got the green one for christmas, maybe I should get the white one as well
other than that, climbing arborist, august, muggs, and a few others on youtube

I never got formal training, and look at me, still alive and well, training a climber on every job we do, best training is to just go for it, get an idea of what your doing, practice that knot or technique 30-40 times on the ground, then low and slow, then go full send
yeah that's the same path my boss and I started almost 2 years ago. No mentors but the books and the digital ones. Im considering going to college this fall for horticulture. Only because there are no arboriculture courses around me and this specific horticulture one has an arboriculture class that will be an exam test prep for isa. at least then with my degree and that class I can get certified
I have taken this ISA test as well (its free and I was bored)
passed with a 98 IIRC
Safety - Introduction to Arboriculture
decided to double check, turns out it was a 100, although like my third time taking it
I cant find it, good luck finding it lol, not sure how I came across it but im happy I did