Foot ascender- hands free

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Aug 16, 2021
Harford county MD
I currently have the CT foot ascender which I’m happy with but thinking about getting one that operates hands free- step in and out of. Anyone using one of those, preferring it over the manual locking models? Brand?
I can get my jet step on and off the rope with no hands. There's a trick to it, and I always have to relearn said trick, but that's because I don't climb enough. I also really like my jetstep, being a rope diva, I hate tearing up my ropes with toothed devices, and so far, you can't tell I've had an ascender on my ropes.

I wish they'd make a knee ascender version of the thing, but one foot climbing suits my local trees fairly well. Usually, if I'm not in spurs, its a smallish single stem ponderosa. So my tie in is around the main stem and the foot not doing the climbing is keeping me away from the trunk. It's a little weird, and maybe inefficient, but it works for me.
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I don’t have a link but I remember researching the foot ascenders and there were some you could put on and kick off without having to get your hands in the mix. As Kaveman mentioned, the Jetstep was one of them.

Apparently, the downside was that without proper form, one would inadvertently kick out.
I've heard the jetstep stays in place pretty well, but I don't think I could use a non locking ascender. I got one free with an order, and I had to bail on it. It's now my (untested)knee ascender for my truck setup. I was always kicking out of it. Reaching down to unlock it is trivial compared to not being on the rope when I think I am. I suppose I could train myself to step properly, but that seems overly fussy for a device that's supposed to get me up a rope. I've also used it in weird positions, like going up a 45° rope, and that seems hard to maintain "proper" posture. IOW, I don't want to do any thinking to get up the rope. I just want to go. I have enough to think about getting wood down.
I haven't kicked out of mine yet, at least while climbing. I have had it slack out while standing on a branch for a moment, but I had the wherewithal to look before I started up the rope again.
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So, I think the Jet step is the hands free ascender. Apparently it’s very easy to remove from the climb line in a hands free fashion. Getting it on the line would have to be a hands on situation unless the rope tail was under tension.
If you're more than ten feet up, there's enough weight to the rope for you get the jetstep on without hands. You will need both eyes and a bit of dexterity in your ankle and knee.

Just because it's possible, don't mean it's easy.
Well hell, most people used to complain about being able to kick a Pantin off easy. Now we are in a desired faze?
I did not mind it, came in handy just sliding off the rope as needed. But for ascending, I prefer to lock it with a key chain biner and just remove biner as needed. Ya'll sound like ya need a semi auto thingy.
You might be able to wire the catch of your CT open so it doesn't lock. It would give an idea of what running lockless feels like. If you love it, the catch could be drilled out.
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  • #16
Yeah, wiring the black catch/ lock back may provide insight. Gotta look at the mechanism again as it’s something I use all the time but don’t trust my brain’s recollection of it’s mechanisms.