Nope, I usually am out 3 months. I usually leave a day a week open for weather and such JIC. I also have monthly accounts I can shift a little here and there (couple a week scheduled) and some with an open end scheduling. These people have a monthly budget I stick to so long as I make a date of work during the month, they often are flexible for me. I have set them up that way not only on my schedule, but by mentally preparing them that they can be bumped on the scheduled date if there is pressing tree work, emergency's, etc. Some are burn day dependent. They float in the schedule until a burn day opens for them.
My biggest selling of urgency is at the day of estimate. I open my calender up and the new client gets to see personally, what they have heard is true... I am often booked pretty damn solid. Often then they don't even care if it is 3 months out, just get them on the schedule. Of course I assure them there might be a day open up for them sooner if someone has to reschedule etc. No promises. Just assurance they we will try to get to them sooner..
Do I lose some? YUP. But since 99% of my bookings are existing or referred clients... most just desire to be a client like the Jones's.
I have spent years grooming my clients and my referral base to play my game.
And Mrs. Smith would have to have a more urgent job to commit today and get it done with in the week. Mrs. Jones is left with a promise that I will make some calls in the evening and see if one of my customers will reschedule to make room for her in the schedule. And since my customers are already groomed to do so, they often will. Chances are they got bumped up in the process in the past and feel they should return the favor.
Right now I have a back log of enough work that if someone dies, cancels, falls off earth, is kidnapped by aliens, has a bad day in the stock market, the dog ate it, or whatever, I can fill probably 1-2 months of work by making a few calls....
I guess what I am trying to explain is that you have to groom your clients and perspective clients into understanding and believing you are always busy because you are a good deal no matter the cost because you are a pro and do an awesome job. Smart money spends smartly. I don't want the bargain hunters. I want the guy that is willing to wait because it is the smart thing to do. I also show people that if they are up against the wall, we will be there for them. If an insurance company, or CDF is riding them and it has to be done with in 30 days.
If you can convince the people and yourself you are in that much of demand and a desired commodity, you will always have work. You will get the better customers. You will collect from the smart money.
I do not have the numbers like tree services in a city. I have a population of 10,000 in my county and area. That's population, that ain't the number of home and business owners.
In a city I can play the numbers. Out here I need to sell the numbers. My current client base runs about 2% of my area population. Keeps food on the table.
That is how it works for me.... The positive attitude is what I am stressing to folks here. You are selling yourself. No matter how lousy a sales person you think you are, if you believe you are awesome at what you do, that you and your company is worth their hard earned money, and that you are going to be successful because of this and your work and people ethic, you will sell more work. Just how it is.
I hope all this rambling makes sense.
OH! And if Mrs. Smith changes her mind and calls back hoping to get right in the schedule, she is out 3 months.

Take it or leave it.