Felling Large Hollow Oak SPlit In Half

It went and no damage.

Well done.

I was a bit worried about the rope slipping up the trunk though as the pull started. It was the first thing I noticed. For piece of mind, next time please at least cinch the tie off so there is less slack and therefore less chance of it sliding up the trunk, slipping and shocking the tree. A tree that size and in that condition could just shit itself the you never know where it could end up.

Well done though.
Nasty, bad tree, Kenny. Cripple it up and break it over. Not much else you could do, and feel safe, with that one, and it wasn't over with the fall. Bucking it down and getting those straps off was another ordeal I'll bet.
I'd have done it differently, certainly.

It came down safely.

I'd never weaken the weak hinge for no reason.

Drill bits and a cordless drill a a diagnostic tool, helps.

Always choke. A bowline or other non choking not is the wrong application for a base-tie.
Nasty tree.
I don't quite get what you expected to accomplish with the beavering off the sides?
To me it lokked like you cut away most of what you had going for you in solid wood.

Well, easy to be a back seat driver, I know.
Hollow tree like that, have to be careful to keep as much wood as possible.
I'll often take an axe to the bark to just clean off what I need for wedges and felling spikes. Then double cut or bore around the tree.
Arm chair opinion. Not my circus, not my monkeys.