I had a kid start working for me about 11 years ago. He had a good work ethic and tried hard. 10 years later he was my climber and making $500 a day. He got to be very negative about “productivity “ Kept arguing that I rushed too much. I tried to explain that my expenses ran about $8k per week so at that time I had to make $2k per day 4 days a week to just cover that so yes we need to be productive. Anyways we went out separate ways. He called me back after a few months and wanted to come back. I already had moved on and now he is working for a landscape company. Not sure what he makes but I doubt it’s much.
Like has been stated people get very used to how well they have it and consider it their right not a privilege till that opportunity has gone
Like has been stated people get very used to how well they have it and consider it their right not a privilege till that opportunity has gone