Wondering if any manufacturer is progressing well with a lithium battery powered trim saw. I'm wondering about it for the occasional conifer prune or small removal. Lots of small cuts, no fumes, no pullcord yanking throughout (my shoulder has been a bit sore lately). Lighter than a 192T. Could be used indoors for messing around with carving a little in the slow winter time. I think Stihl is working on one, but might be wrong there.
Wondering about balance, run time, etc.
Somebody has a Neuton for sale used on Craigslist, asking $75. Haven't seen if its auto oiler or thumb pump. They seem to make a number of battery powered yard stuff, even mowers.
I know its not meant for pro use, or heavy use.
I just dropped a doug-fir for a friend that (40-50) 1.5" or less branch cuts, and three small tops. Dropped two logs off that were 8-10" diameter, which can be done easily enough with a 6" bar. 200t would have been overkill. Mainly, I'm playing around with the idea for canopy raises/ deadwooding conifers.
Wondering about balance, run time, etc.
Somebody has a Neuton for sale used on Craigslist, asking $75. Haven't seen if its auto oiler or thumb pump. They seem to make a number of battery powered yard stuff, even mowers.
I know its not meant for pro use, or heavy use.
I just dropped a doug-fir for a friend that (40-50) 1.5" or less branch cuts, and three small tops. Dropped two logs off that were 8-10" diameter, which can be done easily enough with a 6" bar. 200t would have been overkill. Mainly, I'm playing around with the idea for canopy raises/ deadwooding conifers.