Nick from Ohio
I wanted to start a thread on editing to share things that I do and learn from others.
Disclaimer: I use a Mac.
Jack mentioned that optimizing/loading the video into iMovie was taking longer than actually taping it. I had the same problem until I found a good solution recently. Instead of optimizing/uploading the bulk files in iMovie I will open the individual clips in Quicktime. From there, selecting the 'edit' menu and choosing 'trim'..
..will bring up the 'Trim feature'. From here you can easily pull a segment/clip of footage that you want and save it in a much smaller file.
When you have the desired clip, just hit trim on the right or X it out and choose save. Make sure to name it something different than the original file to avoid an over-write/loss scenario.
When I make video I have one of three things: A lot of short clips, one large clip, or a combination. With small clips I will edit out all of the extraneous stuff using Quicktime. With the big files I will pull out whatever individual segments I need using quicktime.
Once I have those files saved I will number them in the order I want them to appear in iMovie (otherwise its alphabetical which can screw you up.) and THEN optimize/upload to iTunes. This can save you tons of time, like hours!
Disclaimer: I use a Mac.
Jack mentioned that optimizing/loading the video into iMovie was taking longer than actually taping it. I had the same problem until I found a good solution recently. Instead of optimizing/uploading the bulk files in iMovie I will open the individual clips in Quicktime. From there, selecting the 'edit' menu and choosing 'trim'..

..will bring up the 'Trim feature'. From here you can easily pull a segment/clip of footage that you want and save it in a much smaller file.

When you have the desired clip, just hit trim on the right or X it out and choose save. Make sure to name it something different than the original file to avoid an over-write/loss scenario.

When I make video I have one of three things: A lot of short clips, one large clip, or a combination. With small clips I will edit out all of the extraneous stuff using Quicktime. With the big files I will pull out whatever individual segments I need using quicktime.
Once I have those files saved I will number them in the order I want them to appear in iMovie (otherwise its alphabetical which can screw you up.) and THEN optimize/upload to iTunes. This can save you tons of time, like hours!