Editing Posts

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  • #3
Someone was going back and editing their threads to read "F--- You, Butch." Very classy.
That's crazy. I think better to have anytime editing. Maybe you can switch back to the way it was after awhile, see what happens.
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  • #6
I changed it to 7 days. If anyone ever needs it past that, they can always PM me.
I think Steve put that 10 minute edit on to stop people arguing once, makes some people think a bit more before they post.

I think better to have anytime editing. Maybe you can switch back to the way it was after awhile, see what happens.

I hope we can go back to that. It was one of the best things here, I used it a bit.

I'd check back now and then in the gif thread and if anything I'd posted didn't work I'd fix it or delete it, some pictures as well.