thinking question i have, is the thing 304-316, Aluminium, or standard CS ?
That is kinda my deciding factor now.....
I just feel that, there really is NO OTHER place that i will publicize and solely patronize, than TREESTUFF.COM
Im sure the other merchandizers carry different gear, but with all my "Newb-ness" questions and bank acct BS problems at the exact time i placed my initial order, (id theft), all them Treestaffers have 100% respect from me, and probably all those I've turned on to em, as well.
Treestuff RAWX.
Anyone have any opinions on the HH, or just stick with my DrT, HC pulley, and e2e.
I am currently climbing Drt, hip thrusting, for rec only, and only hip thrusting to about 35'-40' to first rung, but still want to have capability of going SRT waaayyy up if need be.
Also, i kid of like the idea of being all compact (climbing system) when i walk out a limb, and I'm spending way to much time hooked up, and messing around on the GROUND trying to get everything all streamlined into a nice, tight, package. I mean, who DOESNT appreciate one of THOSE, RIGHT?????

Allright Ya'll....lemme hear your opinions.
Much Thanks.