DIY Wildland Fire Suppression Kit

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Sep 23, 2010
Received this link today ... seems to be worth building ... especially if you live in the woods! FYI

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I would still like about 3 more 1000 gallon tanks on my hill. We only have about 2000 capacity currently between the two houses. Would love one of those pumps as well. I plumbed my tank at this house to have a fire tie in at the side of the house so we could utilise it closer as the tank is about 100 feet away.
I am working under forest service IFPL level 3 waiver this week. My spray rig will double as my water tank. I need to modify it this winter to use my pump to fill it or to bypass the tank all together.
Going to let us run saws till 1pm with a 2 hour fire watch. Chipper is easy, turbo and a muffler is double spark arrester and chipping into the trucks eliminates that danger
Stephen, in your area, is it common for homeowners to have their own fire suppression system set up? I thought that was an excellent vid.
Some do. Most don't. Some even have retired fire trucks. All newer homes are required to have water storage tanks for the FD though. Some have ponds and pumps to help keep the house hosed down. When we defended our home, we just made sure the fuels were down and away from the house. Basically surround two homes with 12 acres of defendable space. Spacing in canopy and no low ladder fuels. Our home can be defended with hand tools for the most part. After that, you need to keep the roof wet for embers. A good wild fire will easily through hot embers for a 1/2 mile or better.
You know in ohio we dont have fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, crazy smog, sandstorms or any of that jazz.

It snows quite a bit in the winter, and truth be told there is a minor tornado every few years ,but rarely any damage. I cant remember a natural disaster related death ever here. It seems like every place has 'its' disaster but not here.
Have you heard about the new legislature law passed for state fire prevention services in Cali ? cost us $150 a year and what do we get ? a bunch of literature that we already get for free from Cal Fire and our local fire dept. It's time to move out of Cali. I'm so sick of the bs. Just another way to slip in a tax increase but through another loop hole...
We voted an $80.00 per year tax added to our property tax couple years ago to get more money into our fire departments for new equipment etc. Now the state feels we'll pay more (per structure). Bull shit. We voted what we could afford. Not to open the door for more taxation. Government is unsustainable spending 40% of GDP. They really need to figure that the fug out.
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Part 2 ... looks like there'll be a third:

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