Didn't Know Where To Put This...

  • Thread starter Thread starter GASoline71
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Gary, if you would, pass on my well wishes. I am just glad to know he is still alive, I thought he kind of stopped posting anywhere.
Thanks Gary for starting the thread on my behalf and to everyone for their kindly posts.
I can see out of both eyes now and I'm turning yellow. Lol
I'm leaving now for the accident scene to take pics and bring home the offending stick, so I'll BRB as long as the wolves don't take me down. Lol
Dang Gypster you normally just crunch saws and tractors ,now your person ???:O Don't be doing that stuff else you will need that porkchop .;)
Welcome back John, please bring humour and hyperbole with your posts, we expect it. and oh yeah, heal up eh.
Widow Maker.jpg Boy, that was a long BRB, wasn't it? Lol. Ya musta thought the wolves took me down. No such luck. It's just a few friends dropped over bearing liquid refreshments.
Anyway, the offending projectile was bigger than I first thought. And thanks to all again for the well wishing, it seems to be working.
Best Regards,
That little twig knocked you down? Nawww, I think you got drunk and tripped on it, falling face first onto a rock or something. ;)