Getting in late on this one... just a few I chuckled at... some more than once.
Lady phone call... I heard you trimmed trees from so and so.. will you trim them in exchange for the fire wood..... ??
Of course there is always will you work for fire wood...
And yes folks we have some up here that do... Beer sometimes also.. LOL
Meeting with client for an estimate.. Tree (ponderosa pine head leaner over house at 80 plus feet tall.... Power drops and lines on 3 sides... Most of the tree will have to be lined over house to back yard. No room for crane or bucket... And I Quote.. "You sure you are going to have to climb it?? Can't you just pull it over.. You have insurance, if you just pull it over and it hits the house right ? (I think they wanted a new house here)" :what:. Did I mention the root ball was raising the foundation here?
"Senior discount ????? " One of my personal favs on a 1 hour job... :roll:
Dead oak hanging over driveway... "how long do you think I have before it just falls in the driveway?" Response... Jeeee any time this year or any year after... here's my card and just call when it does and I will take care of it for you
Or this one.... "Are you sure you want to do this?" Meaning leave the ground as I am gearing up on a 30-40 foot tree that is pretty much a walk in the park ..

Mind you in my head is .. are you sure you want to pay me for the fun I am about to have killing this friggen easy bastage??

Reads sign on truck "You guys do brushing right ?"
Responding to ad... "I see here you do chipping. Do you charge extra for that?"