my first spikes are Klien Adjustable Tree (bought new , in hindsight not sure why the choice) been used many years now. Wore out original pads , then wore out replacements then bought Buc Supers. No worries aloft other than usual stuff but ... a few years back in a thrift store (vernacular for dead people's stuff) , bought a pair of Buck Tree Spikes for less than ten "bucks" (see what I did there ?). Anyhoo, brand new Buckingham 17" #32 , thinking of swapping Pads and Straps and using. Old they are in beautiful shape , I'll take Pics ... if anyone out there understands Buck's shipping codes (maybe 1941). Wondering maybe just save them , seems the Klien Bird Toe is wide compared to Buck , not sure. Heavier , not sure , ... better fit w solid shank 17 , not sure.
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